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   That Avatar Picture Thing

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Re: That Avatar Picture Thing

Joined: 2006/3/30
From Orange, VA (U.S.A.)
Posts: -1
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I like my little Titanic. There was an option (WAS being the keyword) in the profile, where you could upload an avatar from, OR upload one from your own collection. This option would be activated after you had written 20 posts. Sadly, I don't see that option anymore. Hopefully, they'll put the option back in the profiles.
If you're wondering, my little Titanic is from my collection. It's actually a 'thumbnail'. Here's the actual pic.

Attached file: jpg  Titanic.jpg (13.53 KB)

12247_44b8774541ab4.jpg 318X202 px
Robert Aviles - rip1912
Posted on: 2006/7/15 6:01
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Subject Poster Date
     Re: That Avatar Picture Thing Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/2 4:48
       Re: That Avatar Picture Thing Captain_Jack 2006/7/3 7:44
         Re: That Avatar Picture Thing TITANICsoul 2006/7/14 19:59
           Re: That Avatar Picture Thing Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/14 20:17
             Re: That Avatar Picture Thing rip1912 2006/7/15 6:01
               Re: That Avatar Picture Thing Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/15 13:19
                 Re: That Avatar Picture Thing Titanic King 2006/7/15 18:05
                   Re: That Avatar Picture Thing rip1912 2006/7/16 4:52
                     Re: That Avatar Picture Thing h2oclub 2006/7/16 7:30
                       Re: That Avatar Picture Thing Captain_Jack 2006/7/24 1:36
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