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  let's start over

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  •  S.A.M.
Re: let's start over

Joined: 2006/7/7
From down south
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my brain usually thinks on its has a mind of its own,get it, a mind of its own.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i crack myself up!!!
"a world that sends you reeling, from decimated dreams, your misery and hate will kill us all. so paint it black and take it back lets shout it loud and clear. defient to the end we hear the call, to carry on"
-Welcome to the Black Parade
Posted on: 2006/7/20 16:52
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  •  Titanic King
      Titanic King
Re: let's start over

Joined: 2006/7/5
From Remyxxx777
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Why are you so funny.You even crack me up. I am so glad we are friends again.
xbox live gamertag:AlmasLordChild
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Posted on: 2006/7/20 16:55
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  •  S.A.M.
Re: let's start over

Joined: 2006/7/7
From down south
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i'm as sarcastic as they come.and i'm glad we're friends again to. hicup! oops
"a world that sends you reeling, from decimated dreams, your misery and hate will kill us all. so paint it black and take it back lets shout it loud and clear. defient to the end we hear the call, to carry on"
-Welcome to the Black Parade
Posted on: 2006/7/20 17:09
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  •  Titanic King
      Titanic King
Re: let's start over

Joined: 2006/7/5
From Remyxxx777
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To much soda can leave to the hiccies uppies. I hate them. Just hold your breathe for as long as you can. It always works for me.
xbox live gamertag:AlmasLordChild
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Posted on: 2006/7/20 17:10
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  •  S.A.M.
Re: let's start over

Joined: 2006/7/7
From down south
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i just eat some sugar and they go away.SUGAR
"a world that sends you reeling, from decimated dreams, your misery and hate will kill us all. so paint it black and take it back lets shout it loud and clear. defient to the end we hear the call, to carry on"
-Welcome to the Black Parade
Posted on: 2006/7/20 17:15
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  •  Titanic King
      Titanic King
Re: let's start over

Joined: 2006/7/5
From Remyxxx777
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Oh my you like sugar. I remember when me and my brother ate alot of sugar. We were up all night. That is it. Eat alot of sugar tonight and you will be up all tonight.
xbox live gamertag:AlmasLordChild
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Posted on: 2006/7/20 17:17
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  •  S.A.M.
Re: let's start over

Joined: 2006/7/7
From down south
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when i was little i used to pour powdered sugar in a bowl and eat it with a spoon.
"a world that sends you reeling, from decimated dreams, your misery and hate will kill us all. so paint it black and take it back lets shout it loud and clear. defient to the end we hear the call, to carry on"
-Welcome to the Black Parade
Posted on: 2006/7/20 17:21
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  •  Vanishing Nightmare
      Vanishing Nightmare
Re: let's start over

Joined: 2006/6/22
From Kentucky, United States
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LOL! Sugar! Sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar!

There was this one time... I was young and stupid (well younger and stupider than I am now days) but anyway I put a can of coke in the freezer and when I went to open it... it went out of control and spinned around throwing coke ALL over the walls, curtains, house decorations and whatever else that was in the room! Gosh I was up ALL night cleaning to place up and it was still sticky! HAHA! It was funny at the time until I had to clean it up but I was filled with sugar! Sugar, sugar, sugar...

Sugar, Sugar
By: The Archies
(Jeff Barry - Andy Kim)

Sugar, ah honey honey
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you
Honey, ah sugar sugar
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you

I just can't believe the loveliness of loving you
(I just can't believe it's true)
I just can't believe the wonder of this feeling too
(I just can't believe it's true)


When I kissed you girl I knew how sweet a kiss could be
(I know how sweet a kiss could be)
Like a summer sunshine pour your sweetness over me
(Pour your sweetness over me)

Oh, sugar
Pour a little sugar on it, honey
Pour a little sugar on it, Baby
I'm gonna make your life so sweet
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Pour a little sugar on it, oh yeah
Pour a little sugar on it, honey
Pour a little sugar on it, Baby
I'm gonna make your life so sweet
Hey, hey, hey
Pour a little sugar on me, honey
Sugar, ah honey honey
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you
Oh . . .
Honey, ah sugar sugar
You are my candy girl . . .

WOO Retro music ROCKS! Lol I am so intro restro it isn't even funny! lol here I am again off-subject go me!

-Cricket Korta'Ari-
Posted on: 2006/7/20 17:22
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  •  Titanic King
      Titanic King
Re: let's start over

Joined: 2006/7/5
From Remyxxx777
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No wonder why you are so hyperactive. Calm down on the sugar okay.
xbox live gamertag:AlmasLordChild
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Posted on: 2006/7/20 17:23
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  •  Vanishing Nightmare
      Vanishing Nightmare
Re: let's start over

Joined: 2006/6/22
From Kentucky, United States
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Titanic King wrote:
No wonder why you are so hyperactive. Calm down on the sugar okay.


I am not hyper this is me normally you do NOT want to see me hyper LOL! be glad you will only see text because if you heard me in RL you would be amazed on truly how fast I can talk hahaha!

-Cricket Korta'Ari-
Posted on: 2006/7/20 17:25
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