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   Movie's effect on the real ship

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  •  GooseGrl172
Re: Movie's effect on the real ship

Joined: 2004/10/11
From Maryland
Posts: -1
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I've been aware of the story of Titanic since I can remember. When I was 4-5 I even went on a trip with my family to Nova Scotia (yes we did go to Halifax), but my passion for Titanic was really sparked when I saw the movie and I've been reading about it since. I remember drawing pictures in class too and since I am an artist, I've actually got plans to paint a real portrait (using oil paints) of the Titanic. It wont be on sale, however. It's a personal painting. I really cant explain why I have such an obsession with the tragedy, normally I am not one to obsess over such things, and I'm definately not the type that cries in movies or over tv shows etc. (to add, I usually wait til movies come out on dvd to see them, but this one I saw in the theatre) butt this is different. I really can't explain it. I guess because it was such a magnificent peice of architecture and technology, the grandure and elegance, and of course the loss of life, the stories. To have it all just taken away like that, in such a cruel manor. Such a beautiful ship. Even today, Titanic's elegance and beauty has not been matched. I also think the era it took place in has something to do with it, oh yeah, and I like boats too. Born and raised in Maryland, home of the beautiful Chesapeake Bay and on the Atlantic ocean. Dad used to have a small yacht, hopefully I'll have one too (soon as I start makin some money). But I guess since the movie had an impact on how I feel about Titanic means I'm not a "true 'Titanic lover'".


Posted on: 2004/12/5 0:51
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     Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Titanicluvr91 2004/12/3 0:47
     Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Scammell 2004/12/3 2:06
       Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Icestar 2004/12/3 8:10
       Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Anonymous 2005/4/26 13:06
         Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Captain_Jack 2005/4/28 23:36
           Re: Movie's effect on the real ship glen_fitzger 2005/4/29 1:43
             Re: Movie's effect on the real ship 401fanatic 2005/6/10 12:35
               Re: Movie's effect on the real ship GooseGrl172 2005/6/10 19:17
                 Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Martyn 2005/6/10 19:22
                 Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Dominican12 2005/6/11 0:05
                   Re: Movie's effect on the real ship TitanicExprt 2005/6/20 0:10
                     Re: Movie's effect on the real ship TITANICsoul 2005/7/11 21:54
     Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Anonymous 2004/12/3 20:53
       Re: Movie's effect on the real ship NosieRosie 2004/12/4 14:54
         Re: Movie's effect on the real ship GooseGrl172 2004/12/5 0:51
           Re: Movie's effect on the real ship strider_uk 2004/12/5 22:07
     Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Sevb27 2004/12/8 20:03
       Re: Movie's effect on the real ship NosieRosie 2004/12/12 14:24
         Re: Movie's effect on the real ship GooseGrl172 2004/12/12 15:10
         Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Icestar 2004/12/12 20:54
         Re: Movie's effect on the real ship 2007 gangsta gurrrrl 2005/4/26 12:26
     Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Devaloution 2004/12/8 23:00
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