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   Movie's effect on the real ship

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  •  Captain_Jack
Re: Movie's effect on the real ship

Joined: 2005/3/30
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I can tell a Titanic movie buff from a Titanic history buff by the posts they make. A movie buff asks about the ship and the Titanic historian answers posts. A movie buff asks if Rose loved Jack and a Titanic historian asks about points of fact & detail. Last the buff asks everyone to look up a question and the true Titanic historian loves to personally get buried in the research by themselfs.
What did the movie do? I guess it started a totally new branch of Titanic followers.
As Star Trekkies say, "Live long and prosper."
As Star Warriors say, "May the force be with you."
As Titanics say, "I'm the King of the World."
Posted on: 2005/4/28 23:36
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     Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Titanicluvr91 2004/12/3 0:47
     Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Scammell 2004/12/3 2:06
       Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Icestar 2004/12/3 8:10
       Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Anonymous 2005/4/26 13:06
         Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Captain_Jack 2005/4/28 23:36
           Re: Movie's effect on the real ship glen_fitzger 2005/4/29 1:43
             Re: Movie's effect on the real ship 401fanatic 2005/6/10 12:35
               Re: Movie's effect on the real ship GooseGrl172 2005/6/10 19:17
                 Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Martyn 2005/6/10 19:22
                 Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Dominican12 2005/6/11 0:05
                   Re: Movie's effect on the real ship TitanicExprt 2005/6/20 0:10
                     Re: Movie's effect on the real ship TITANICsoul 2005/7/11 21:54
     Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Anonymous 2004/12/3 20:53
       Re: Movie's effect on the real ship NosieRosie 2004/12/4 14:54
         Re: Movie's effect on the real ship GooseGrl172 2004/12/5 0:51
           Re: Movie's effect on the real ship strider_uk 2004/12/5 22:07
     Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Sevb27 2004/12/8 20:03
       Re: Movie's effect on the real ship NosieRosie 2004/12/12 14:24
         Re: Movie's effect on the real ship GooseGrl172 2004/12/12 15:10
         Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Icestar 2004/12/12 20:54
         Re: Movie's effect on the real ship 2007 gangsta gurrrrl 2005/4/26 12:26
     Re: Movie's effect on the real ship Devaloution 2004/12/8 23:00
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