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  Harold Bride

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  •  Betty
Harold Bride

Joined: 2004/1/12
From Albany, New York
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I came across an article that says:
Dozens of historians including Walter Lord had been trying for years to find ou what happened to Mr. Bride. No one knows. He appeared to simply vanish in 1922. Walter Lord learned that a man claiming to be Harold Bride turned up at a hospital in Glasgow in 1956 and died. Bride allegedly vanished deliverately in 1922, despite the fact that he could have picked his job in the Marconi Co., he hauled up stakes and decided to become a traveling salesman. Left no forwarding address and covered his tracks--no one ever knew what he sold.
Bess, do you have anyother information on him? Do you think he just wanted nothing more to do with anything connecting him to Titanic?
Posted on: 2004/2/23 13:46
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  •  Anonymous
Betty, i'll find u a web address, it has quite alot of info on him. there is also a researcher who is doing extensive work on Harold Bride, i think she's intending to publish it in the future so keep your eyes open lol
Posted on: 2004/2/24 16:04
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Joined: 2003/11/6
From Tallmadge, Ohio
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Betty, I know you asked Bess this question..and I know she's going to give you some info...but I was really bored today and looked around for a bit..and here's what I found and the website it's at so that you my see it yourself.

"One man was dead. I passed him and went up the ladder, although my feet pained terribly. The dead man was Phillips. He had died on the raft from exposure and cold, I guess. He had been all in from work before the wreck came. He stood his ground until the crisis had passed, and then he collapsed, I guess. But I hardly thought that then. I didn't think much of anything. I tried the rope ladder. My feet pained terribly, but I got to the top and felt hands reaching out to me. The next I knew a woman was leaning over me in a cabin and I felt her hand waving back my hair and rubbing my face."

On the voyage to New York aboard Carpathia Bride and an exhausted Harold Cottam worked together to send countless personal messages and names of the saved to land. Incidentally, Bride and Cottam had met before the disaster and were good friends. After the tragedy they stayed in contact for many years.

After a spell in hospital Harold Bride returned to England and finally returned to work as a wireless operator. During the First World War, he served on the steamer Mona's Isle as a telegraphist.

Harold was married [c. 1919] to Lucy Johnstone Downie, and the couple had three children. Harold disliked discussing the Titanic, being deeply disturbed by the whole experience, particularly by the loss of his colleague and friend Jack Phillips, whose bravery and steadfastness never left him; he disliked the celebrity that went along with being a Titanic survivor and thus decided to flee the attention and moved with his family to Scotland where he worked as a travelling salesman.

Harold Sidney Bride lived out the rest of his days in Scotland, living in comparative obscurity. He died on 29th April 1956, aged 66.
Posted on: 2004/2/24 20:01
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  •  Anonymous
JByard, i'm sure Betty wouldn't mind who gave her the info, thats what the forums here for lol.

Betty heres the link i was going to give
Posted on: 2004/2/24 20:17
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  •  Betty

Joined: 2004/1/12
From Albany, New York
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JB and Bess,
Thanks so much what an absolutely wonderful story.

The article I had says he just disappeared but glad to read in both your accounts that he did not and had a somewhat happy live aftr Titanic
Posted on: 2004/2/24 20:49
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Joined: 2003/11/6
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Posted on: 2004/2/24 20:55
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