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  poetry about titanic

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  •  abbey74
poetry about titanic

Joined: 2004/8/12
From usa
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I joined this deep sea adventure, because of my interest of what happened here on that tragic night so long ago
The sea so dark, so unforgiving, so cold
We are on the very spot where the devastation happened that had such an impact on people's lives so long ago
As I stand here on this deck, I try to imagine the story as it was told.

I look down at the black water, unable to conceive the loss of life that was felt here
As the wind blows, I imagine I hear a thousand pleading cries
This is spooky, it's like I can hear them so clear
I wish I could have been here when it happened, maybe I could have helped some of those which had to die.

I look at this as a hallowed sanctified place
I just can't conceive the fear felt in people on that cold horrid night
I still think I hear their cries as if they were caught somewhere between time and space
As I feel the blowing wind, within me it instills such fright.

The loss of life that happened here is hard to understand why
A few different things added to the events that unfolded that devastating night
If someone had been more careful, or a few things had been different maybe so many would not have had to die
If things had been different maybe so many wouldn't have had to be in death's choir and been forced to sing,

My mind runs rampant as I remember what happened here
Only wishing there was something I could have done
From the fate of those poor souls I wish to deter
Knowing the way things happened, nothing could have been done.
Posted on: 2004/8/12 20:31
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