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   I think I might like..... Jack Dawson

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  •  GooseGrl172
Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson

Joined: 2004/10/11
From Maryland
Posts: -1
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I actually like Cal more in the movie (that wonderful voice/accent and his looks), but Jack has qualities that I'd like in a life partner.I know what you mean about finding someone. What Jack and Rose had surely does exist, it's known as an infatuation, something that doesnt usually last more than 18 months (speaking from a psychological stand point, which I'm sure no one wants to hear).Those arent too hard to find, but true love is what will last; and when you get that comfortable and secure feeling, even after all the super affectionet and romantic feelings (infatuation) have warn off, that is when you know you have it. That's what's hard to find.

Posted on: 2004/11/13 18:05
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Subject Poster Date
     Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/11 23:47
       Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson GooseGrl172 2004/11/13 18:05
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/13 20:50
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson NosieRosie 2004/11/14 18:29
           Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/14 22:35
             Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson colliewobbles 2004/11/16 14:39
     Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson Anonymous 2004/11/16 21:38
       Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/16 23:57
       Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson Anonymous 2004/11/17 0:17
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson ella m bullock 2004/11/17 2:02
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/17 3:04
       Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson ella m bullock 2004/11/17 4:02
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson Anonymous 2004/11/18 0:31
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