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   I think I might like..... Jack Dawson

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Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson

Joined: 2004/8/3
From Tallmadge, Ohio
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Ya know, this is very true. I always tell my friends that true love is what's left after the lust and impression phases have ended. The beginnings of a relationship are always trying to impress each other, always doing what's right so the other person doesn't see what you're really like and run for the hills. If you can get past that, and get into the comfortable stage and still find the person attractive inside and outdside, then you know you're really in love.

I very firmly believe you always find the right person. Everyone has a Jack Dawson. I just recetly married mine.
I also believe you find them when you least expect it. You can't go looking for him, or it won't happen.

but that's just my personal opinion. :)
I'm not Kate Winslet OR Rose DeWitt Bukater.... please stop sending me fan mail!

My Website.. Titanic: Truth, Myths and Legends
Posted on: 2004/11/14 18:29
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Subject Poster Date
     Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/11 23:47
       Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson GooseGrl172 2004/11/13 18:05
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/13 20:50
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson NosieRosie 2004/11/14 18:29
           Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/14 22:35
             Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson colliewobbles 2004/11/16 14:39
     Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson Anonymous 2004/11/16 21:38
       Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/16 23:57
       Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson Anonymous 2004/11/17 0:17
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson ella m bullock 2004/11/17 2:02
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/17 3:04
       Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson ella m bullock 2004/11/17 4:02
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson Anonymous 2004/11/18 0:31
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