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   I think I might like..... Jack Dawson

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Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson
yes i do True love is something i now know i will probably never find but a do find joy in the love of my children and my family but all other like real true love seems go forever Quote:

GooseGrl172 wrote:
Though he is kind of dorky, there's a part of me that wishes I could find someone like him. The sad part is I'm 20. Is there anyone else, who isnt a kid/teen for goodness sake, that feels this way? What do yall like about him?

Jack was sort of cool in the lonely boy looking for love way but rather a risk taker and i don't think anything like that would really happen on the titanic but we can still dream that it could
Posted on: 2004/11/16 21:38
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     Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/11 23:47
       Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson GooseGrl172 2004/11/13 18:05
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/13 20:50
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson NosieRosie 2004/11/14 18:29
           Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/14 22:35
             Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson colliewobbles 2004/11/16 14:39
     Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson Anonymous 2004/11/16 21:38
       Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/16 23:57
       Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson Anonymous 2004/11/17 0:17
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson ella m bullock 2004/11/17 2:02
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson rose89 2004/11/17 3:04
       Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson ella m bullock 2004/11/17 4:02
         Re: I think I might like..... Jack Dawson Anonymous 2004/11/18 0:31
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