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   Greetings !

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  •  TitanicExprt
Re: Greetings !

Joined: 2005/4/18
From In front of my computer in the United States of America
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Brian wrote:
Your skepticism is only rivaled by your own ignorance. The only thing you've just accomplished is proving that you are both arrogant buttwipes.

Read what I have posted on this unfriendly messageboard and take notes. You might just learn something.

Hello!Thank you so much for telling them that!
Humankind cannot obtain anything without first giving something in return.To obtain something of equal value must be lost.That is Alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange.In those days we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth.FMA
Posted on: 2005/7/27 0:08
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Subject Poster Date
     Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/7/26 17:20
       Re: Greetings ! coolguy 2005/7/26 18:39
       Re: Greetings ! edward9139 2005/8/1 17:27
         Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/1 21:55
           Re: Greetings ! Martyn 2005/8/1 22:10
             Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/3 13:06
               Re: Greetings ! edward9139 2005/8/7 16:07
                 Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/7 17:13
     Re: Greetings ! Brian 2005/7/26 22:14
       Re: Greetings ! TitanicExprt 2005/7/27 0:08
         Re: Greetings ! Martyn 2005/7/27 2:07
     Re: Greetings ! Brian 2005/7/27 14:41
       Re: Greetings ! TitanicExprt 2005/7/27 19:42
         Re: Greetings ! clinton 2005/8/10 12:50
           Re: Greetings ! Martyn 2005/8/10 14:14
             Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/10 16:32
       Re: Greetings ! clinton 2005/8/10 12:36
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