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   Greetings !

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Re: Greetings !

Joined: 2005/7/26
From Benton Harbor MI
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bell wrote:
Well unlike my friend john I have just read your initial post. U think u are God, u think Titanic is coming back in 2007, u think ure related to aliens. It is ubsurd to believe but, what evidence to you really have, and why 2007?

First of all I did not say I thought I was God, although when I met extraterrestrials in 1977,
(the same year 'Close Encounters' was released) they told me I was 'The Creator', and their technology can do anything --above and beyond human imagination. ..There is a connection (the missing link) For me to make such statements as I am God would of course be considered as preposterous, however what is substantially more recently obvious is the increased level of evil in the world that can only mean one thing and thereby invokes the opposite to be just as real. Almost all theologians and christian believers are all convinced that this is the age of generation x, and yet what a lot of them proclaim is the second coming of Christ the Lord, although the correct revelation is that God is coming (as in the triune God) but then Jesus taught using parables to convey principles and concepts..

The evidence is just as is what is stated on the X Files, and that is 'The truth is out there.' yet what people don't (or can't) understand is that the statement itself is in regards to viewers looking across their rooms at the tv. Only those that know the wild unorthodox truth know exactly what is being conveyed or inferred, and that goes all the way back to the very begining of syndicated broadcasts, even old movies of the silver screen and earlier.
One example of the profound truth is what Irwin Allen's television shows were exhibiting and there are pictures on the internet that show the actual situation of humanity in an adaptation format (one thing representing another, or a strategy) That is the correct perception, however as I said a knowledge base is essential to understand this line of thinking and decyphering, otherwise the images and statements are only taken at face value, and the riddles are overlooked.

Our sector in space is concealed within a restraining confinement and the time limit was preset at thirty years begining in September of 1977, (the 21st) and the exit is protected by the Sun..
I know this because I designed it and the supercomputer built it in only a moment of time.

Have you been watching tv and taken notice of all the sunny graphics? ..Don't you realize that this ongoing war is called 'The Holy war' and recognize all the evil in the world? That is the proof that of all the history of mankind, this would be the time that God makes an entrance.
Posted on: 2005/7/27 14:41
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     Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/7/26 17:20
       Re: Greetings ! coolguy 2005/7/26 18:39
       Re: Greetings ! edward9139 2005/8/1 17:27
         Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/1 21:55
           Re: Greetings ! Martyn 2005/8/1 22:10
             Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/3 13:06
               Re: Greetings ! edward9139 2005/8/7 16:07
                 Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/7 17:13
     Re: Greetings ! Brian 2005/7/26 22:14
       Re: Greetings ! TitanicExprt 2005/7/27 0:08
         Re: Greetings ! Martyn 2005/7/27 2:07
     Re: Greetings ! Brian 2005/7/27 14:41
       Re: Greetings ! TitanicExprt 2005/7/27 19:42
         Re: Greetings ! clinton 2005/8/10 12:50
           Re: Greetings ! Martyn 2005/8/10 14:14
             Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/10 16:32
       Re: Greetings ! clinton 2005/8/10 12:36
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