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Re: Regarding Greetings:

Joined: 2005/7/26
From Benton Harbor MI
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Regarding the Bible code I am not sure what to say because there is a great conspiracy that could have attributed to undermining human language and barriers.. To get a clearer understanding of that distortion there are words within words that compound the face value by supplementing smaller words that can even merely sound alike; or have another meaning, such as a string of short syllables that when and if noticed seem weird and often taken as just circumstantial and perhaps simply amusing, and mostly just disregarded as that, and yet those broken subdivisions actually do hold another value and are bewitching when recognized. The simple fact is that 'someone' or some group of people made them up (I call those literary paradoxes word-a-riffics)

What the common person or general public doesn't know is that humanity and language is structured with wicked algorithms enabled and set into existence by a supercomputer and time vortex (time machine from the future) and that supercomputer can create the impossible, and there is the mystery unveiled whether believed or not. That is the accurate truth, and therefore an understudy must be researched to get an idea of how history has been intentionally developed for greedy purposes, to dominate not just Earth but other planets and the cosmos. (note the word uni-verse) direct and to own the future

Those ideas and concepts are established and by looking at history throughout the ages and following certain lineages backward and forward from point to point and knowing of this epic conspiracy, the bigger picture is realized and comes into focus. The only crucial thing is whether average joe can believe this is really the case. That is not easily achieved due to the fact that 'they' don't want people to know and the truth is being subterfuged and profoundly obscured by them.

Who are 'they'? ..To get an idea of what I am disclosing here or suggesting to study regarding history, and to make some cognitive sense in example, think of North America and follow the basic pattern of how the U.S. came into existence and what governmental ideals are in place today and where they once originated, and what was also prophesied in the Bible ages past. New England (now New York) and the first colonies were people fleeing from the predominance of England and British rule, and England originated from people fleeing another predominating government cruelties and taxation (slavery) the romans. ..England was first a village of run-aways, and America from the British. Now look at how the U.S. is becoming more european circumvented by foreigners (dialects on tv) in a process of absorption. America is not the independant nation as before just a couple decades ago. Look at the ridiculous wars that have occurred and confused people why they happened and great vast numbers of casualties (deaths) accrued. The end result was/is a weakened nation and there are other realizations to consider with that strategy in mind, such as demoralization i.e. homosexual pervertedness, std's (aids etc.), gangs and violence, drugs corruption and prisons, mental retardation and disablement through medication(s) --observed by many as 'a business' ..and other aspects of how a mighty nation can be brought to it's knees, compromised and deteriorated, then the big dogs move in and assume control through this obscurely underhanded evolutionary process instituted and gaurded by evil and ruthelessness.

Listen to what music albums have been revealing for decades already, and one in particular is more prophetic of this understanding and that is Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon. Listen to 'On The Run' and what is stated: 'flights to Rome..' and the sounds are obviously revealing exactly what I am trying to unmask that is a reality.. the sounds of a computer. ..To those that know this strange tune can recognize there is a distinction in resemblance.. the sounds are as follows: 'da-dit doot, da-dit doot..' (com-pu-ter, com-pu-ter..) ..The Moody Blues also described the computer in the early 70's: 'And now to suit our great computer, ..your magnetic id.'

Therefore taking into account these realizations that history is preempted and predominated by design and for the purpose of domination and enslavery, and that the use of language and subsequent barriers (ignorance and befuddlement), anything can be an abstraction of another truth, including literary works and clever suppositional misguidance, and in that profound convex of hidden agendas it is no wonder why churches are seperated and are disconnected from one particular denomination: the roman catholic church.

Do you know what the first Bible really was? Ever hear of 'Good News For Modern Man'?? Well in the early ages before Christ, walls were built around cities for protection because of the badlands outside were lawless and cruel, and to venture outside alone was considered extremely dangerous as a lot of people who did never returned and were thought to have been killed or enslaved, and everyone lived in fear never leaving the safety of the walled cities and foriegners were not permitted within. ..Then along came travellers with little sandscripts they threw over the walls that were like newspapers, informing the inhabitants that life outside wasn't as bleak and cruel as they had been believing and afraid of. That was the begining of 'the living word' and for all practical purposes was the new technology of the times, those communication devices, little sandscript newspapers. Then people became aware and cities were connected and then caravans would embark from one city to the next, trading goods and coming together in peace, and without fear. ..The badlands were then just open lands to cross, all because of the living word, good news for modern man.

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Posted on: 2005/7/28 17:25
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     Re: Regarding Greetings 2: Brian 2005/7/26 20:03
       Re: Regarding Greetings 2: Martyn 2005/7/27 1:26
     Re: Regarding Greetings: Brian 2005/7/28 17:25
       Re: Regarding Greetings: TitanicExprt 2005/7/28 20:34
         Re: Regarding Greetings: Martyn 2005/7/28 22:23
           Re: Regarding Greetings: TitanicExprt 2005/7/31 3:43
     Re: Regarding Greetings: Brian 2005/7/31 21:38
       Re: Regarding Greetings: edward9139 2005/8/1 12:16
         Re: Regarding Greetings: 2007 gangsta gurrrrl 2005/8/1 13:42
           Re: Regarding Greetings: edward9139 2005/8/1 13:55
         Re: Regarding Greetings: Brian 2005/8/4 0:16
       Re: Regarding Greetings: TitanicExprt 2005/8/4 4:32
         Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/4 11:29
           Re: Regarding Greetings: Martyn 2005/8/4 13:47
             Re: Regarding Greetings: 2007 gangsta gurrrrl 2005/8/4 15:26
               Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/4 20:37
                 Re: Regarding Greetings: Martyn 2005/8/4 22:50
                   Re: Regarding Greetings: 2007 gangsta gurrrrl 2005/8/5 0:25
                     Re: Regarding Greetings: Martyn 2005/8/5 2:24
                       Re: Regarding Greetings: 2007 gangsta gurrrrl 2005/8/5 2:25
                         Re: Regarding Greetings: TitanicExprt 2005/8/5 5:33
                           Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/5 12:13
                             Re: Regarding Greetings: Martyn 2005/8/5 15:11
                               Re: Regarding Greetings: TitanicExprt 2005/8/5 19:16
                                 Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/6 11:41
                                 Re: Regarding Greetings: edward9139 2005/8/7 15:50
                                   Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/7 17:19
                                     Re: Regarding Greetings: TitanicExprt 2005/8/10 0:30
                                       Re: Regarding Greetings: Martyn 2005/8/10 0:32
                                         Re: Regarding Greetings: TitanicExprt 2005/8/10 0:48
                                           Re: Regarding Greetings: Martyn 2005/8/10 1:07
                                             Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/11 21:41
                                               Re: Regarding Greetings: TitanicExprt 2005/8/11 23:03
                                                 Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/12 13:13
                                                   Re: Regarding Greetings: 2007 gangsta gurrrrl 2005/8/13 19:11
                                                     Re: Regarding Greetings: Martyn 2005/8/13 22:45
                                                       Re: Regarding Greetings: TitanicExprt 2005/8/13 22:48
                                                         Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/14 12:35
                                                           Re: Regarding Greetings: edward9139 2005/8/14 12:49
                                                         Re: Regarding Greetings: 2007 gangsta gurrrrl 2005/8/14 16:35
                                                           Re: Regarding Greetings: edward9139 2005/8/14 16:38
                                                             Re: Regarding Greetings: TitanicExprt 2005/8/16 1:50
                                                               Re: Regarding Greetings: edward9139 2005/8/16 2:14
                                                                 Re: Regarding Greetings: TitanicExprt 2005/8/16 2:18
                                                                   Re: Regarding Greetings: edward9139 2005/8/16 2:20
                                                                     Re: Regarding Greetings: TitanicExprt 2005/8/16 2:22
                                                                       Re: Regarding Greetings: edward9139 2005/8/16 2:23
                                   Re: Regarding Greetings: 2007 gangsta gurrrrl 2005/8/8 22:36
                                     Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/9 10:51
                                       Re: Regarding Greetings: 2007 gangsta gurrrrl 2005/8/9 15:23
                                         Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/9 15:23
                                           Re: Regarding Greetings: 2007 gangsta gurrrrl 2005/8/9 15:38
                                             Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/9 16:07
     Re: Regarding Greetings: Brian 2005/8/15 19:34
       Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/15 21:50
         Re: Regarding Greetings: Martyn 2005/8/15 21:51
       Re: Regarding Greetings: edward9139 2005/8/16 0:27
     Re: Regarding Greetings: Brian 2005/8/16 7:49
       Re: Regarding Greetings: edward9139 2005/8/16 15:12
         Re: Regarding Greetings: Johno 2005/8/16 17:32
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