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   Greetings !

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Re: Greetings !

Joined: 2005/1/8
From London UK
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Brian wrote:

Have you been watching tv and taken notice of all the sunny graphics? ..Don't you realize that this ongoing war is called 'The Holy war' and recognize all the evil in the world? That is the proof that of all the history of mankind, this would be the time that God makes an entrance.

With all due respect: let me explain to you why you are comletely wrong.

Firtsly we can all agree that the Bible clearly notes that nobody, not even the angels at his side, knows when His second coming will be. You on the other hand proclaim to know of God's immenent return. "The holy war" is a name. Just like the second world war and all the wars before it. That is what people do when they start wars. They give it a name and status so as to send fear into the hearts of all mankind. But remember wars come and go. Everybody in history (when faced with war) has felt that this is it and we are all gonna die because it is obviously the end of all things. But as I said before wars come and wars go. And God still hasn't come for us. Why hasn't he come yet? Because He will show up when we least expect it. Nobody will know, not the angels by his side and deffinately not even you my friend. I have an aunt who has foretold the coming of Christ every year since I was 10 years old. I am now 27 and she still makes a ass of herself by proclaiming to know God's exact plan for all of us. My answer to her is always this: "The Bible would be null and void if you were to be right in knowing all God's plans. The Bible is never wrong. The harsh truth is that nobody knows for sure when God will be returning exactly. All we can do is lead a good life so as to be ready for when that day may come."

My advise would be for you to not be afraid. Christianity is a religion of hope and not of fear. Wars will be fought during every generation. The appocolyps might (or might not) be upon us everyday of our lives. There is just no way of knowing for sure... Lead a good and kind life and you will not need to worry about getting to heaven.

Godbless us all!
Posted on: 2005/8/10 12:36
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     Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/7/26 17:20
       Re: Greetings ! coolguy 2005/7/26 18:39
       Re: Greetings ! edward9139 2005/8/1 17:27
         Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/1 21:55
           Re: Greetings ! Martyn 2005/8/1 22:10
             Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/3 13:06
               Re: Greetings ! edward9139 2005/8/7 16:07
                 Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/7 17:13
     Re: Greetings ! Brian 2005/7/26 22:14
       Re: Greetings ! TitanicExprt 2005/7/27 0:08
         Re: Greetings ! Martyn 2005/7/27 2:07
     Re: Greetings ! Brian 2005/7/27 14:41
       Re: Greetings ! TitanicExprt 2005/7/27 19:42
         Re: Greetings ! clinton 2005/8/10 12:50
           Re: Greetings ! Martyn 2005/8/10 14:14
             Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/10 16:32
       Re: Greetings ! clinton 2005/8/10 12:36
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