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  •  Vanishing Nightmare
      Vanishing Nightmare

Joined: 2006/6/22
From Kentucky, United States
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Titanic King wrote:
Congratlations, who cares. Where are you these days. Go play Halo or Halo 2 for the X-box or go save up money and get the X-box 360 or ps3, psp. I mean I dont give a crap about ship games. Big wup get Titanic and sink it. I rather shot aliens and blow up cars and all that other good stuff. Grow up and get a life would you. Ship games or for idiots. Game systems or for cool people.

What has gotten into you?! King stop it! I am tired of you flaming people here... this is! It is SUPPOSE to be ship talk! if you do not like it then do not stay here! No one is FORCEING you to post here! I can not believe how unbelievely rude you are starting to be. At first you were pretty darn neat King but now you are starting to get worse and worse flaming everyone left and right...

LET HIM or HER post what they WANT! We do the same thing too there is people who do not care what I have to say but least they have the COMMON CURTISY of being NICE and here you are blantingly saying "idiot, have a life." Yeah that is SO supportive <---- Insert TONS of Sarcasum! You are just like ALL them people I know. Who rather insult and send in puns to make them feel big. Go ahead... take that route. I do not care but I DO care if you pick on OTHER people because like I said people want to share things. You did too.. you used to LOVE the Titanic and now suddenly sense you do not like it no more now you are turncoating people here.

Well I hate to tell you but you are pretty much SAYING anyone SPECIAL intrest is lame and they got no life. Then that goes for EVERYONE in your point of view! Your saying gamers have no life, model builders, artitechs, artist, animal handlers, scientist.

This is something someone wanted to share with us and here you are just being plain rude and probably making he or she feeling very unwelcomed. Good job King! Have fun... I am still going to be "nice" because to you but will not mean I will "like" you like I did. Sense you decided to hurt the community. I WANT to talk nautical and I do not care how LAME you find it to be! This is OUR intrest and darn it we are on the website to speak of it and it is defintally not off-topic.

Fine go to them gaming websites! Have fun! =*( It really saddens me King... It really does. I REALLY did like talking and interacting with you. You seemed like a decent person... AT FIRST but man have you shown your colours.

Oh right yes, that is right you probably think I am OVER REACTING, hmm? Yes Of course! I remember this from pervious post to others or heck even I! At first prehaps but you keep doing it!

Sorry but you totally getting on my nerves. I really tired King, but I can not pretend I see you doing this crap! I really want to just be friends but you are CLAWING at people here who just want to talk! This place is for FUN... yes Fun! So what is your problem?! >_<

If you owned the website then that is a TOTALLY diffrent story.

Anyway... take care. Do whatever you want because that is all you seem to care about is what "you" want to do and not care about others. "You" act like you own this site and then when you see someone say something you do not like... what do you do?! Not like "nice" people you call them on it! You post insults!

Yes... fun... sure is... *insert tons MORE sarcasum* I am sorry I post like this... but seriously you must have wanted this or was seeing this coming.

Have you not heard the term "Treat people the way YOU want to be treated" So you want me to insult you and say un-true things about you without KNOWING your personally? Yeah... Okay that is NOT my way. I will NOT do that... as much as seem to "enjoy" this. I am not that way in RL. I like to treat people with the best of respects possible and if I hate something I do not say it in such away as you did. I be "nice."

What I am going to miss about you King was, you were a good role-player. But I can not go on with it and I doubt you would want to anyway after reading this post but I can not going to sit here and let you do this to people. Not without me saying something...

I appologize to you Dominican12 for many things. First of all for this... post I did directing to Titanic King. I can not send PM's so unfortnatlly I had to put it out here in public =(

Second I appologize for how King has acted towards you, don't mind he just contuine and do your thing! MOST of us here like to read what everyone enjoys doing. I know I do! That is why I come here to talk with the community from younger audieance to the elder...

Contuine... I love games of many kinds! ^_^

Oh yes King by the way, "COOL PEOPLE" hmm I hate to say this but it varys person to person. For people to be "cool" do we HAVE to fit in YOUR point of view? No, that'd be a pretty screwed up world. In MY opinion Being yourself is what is COOL in my opinion. Yes opinion! Not law! Anyway yes.. take care! *waves!*

I must be so terribly un-cool to you sense I play a 2D game! a game with unexordinary graphics or least to some people. I enjoy it and I am sticking to it! I love 2D graphics... actually I like content but yeah... And I am also un-cool because I can not spell! Ooo! Ooo! Oh no! Look at my typos! Look how bad they are! Because you have commented SO many times on people for thier spelling! I did not recall that was an English class... New news to me! I guess I will take my grade being an F.

I appologize for my EXTREAM Sarcasum but I felt it was necissary (<--- a typo!) to prove my point. I am just showing you how it feels King. It hurts =*( I will not do this beyond this post...

-Cricket Korta'Ari-
Posted on: 2006/7/31 6:31
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     Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 5:33
       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/31 6:31
         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:12
           Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 16:15
             Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:21
               Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 16:23
                 Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:25
                   Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 16:29
                     Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:31
                       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 16:33
                         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:36
           Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/31 16:43
             Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:45
               Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 16:50
                 Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:53
                   Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/7/31 16:57
                     Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 17:00
                       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/7/31 17:02
                     Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/31 17:01
                       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 17:04
                         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/7/31 17:06
                         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/31 17:07
                           Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 17:10
                             Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/31 17:15
                               Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 17:19
                                 Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/7/31 17:22
                                   Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 17:27
               Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/31 16:55
       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Dominican12 2006/7/31 18:42
         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 18:49
           Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Dominican12 2006/7/31 18:58
             Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 19:06
               Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 20:11
                 Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 20:14
                   Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/7/31 20:47
                     Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 20:50
                       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/7/31 20:58
                         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 22:54
     Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Dominican12 2006/8/1 4:13
       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/8/1 4:14
         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: rip1912 2006/8/11 8:07
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