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Joined: 2004/11/24
From Santo domingo,DR and New york
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Titanic King wrote:
Congratlations, who cares. Where are you these days. Go play Halo or Halo 2 for the X-box or go save up money and get the X-box 360 or ps3, psp. I mean I dont give a crap about ship games. Big wup get Titanic and sink it. I rather shot aliens and blow up cars and all that other good stuff. Grow up and get a life would you. Ship games or for idiots. Game systems or for cool people.

Who cares?, maybe you dont care beacause you got a nasty mind, please grow up kid ok?

Maybe you should not be here and talking crap ok

Many people over here would care about this game, more that they are fan of titanic

Do you understand?


Posted on: 2006/7/31 18:42
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     Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 5:33
       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/31 6:31
         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:12
           Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 16:15
             Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:21
               Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 16:23
                 Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:25
                   Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 16:29
                     Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:31
                       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 16:33
                         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:36
           Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/31 16:43
             Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:45
               Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 16:50
                 Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 16:53
                   Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/7/31 16:57
                     Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 17:00
                       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/7/31 17:02
                     Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/31 17:01
                       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 17:04
                         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/7/31 17:06
                         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/31 17:07
                           Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 17:10
                             Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/31 17:15
                               Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 17:19
                                 Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/7/31 17:22
                                   Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 17:27
               Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Vanishing Nightmare 2006/7/31 16:55
       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Dominican12 2006/7/31 18:42
         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 18:49
           Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Dominican12 2006/7/31 18:58
             Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 19:06
               Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 20:11
                 Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 20:14
                   Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/7/31 20:47
                     Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: lilcandycane 2006/7/31 20:50
                       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/7/31 20:58
                         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Titanic King 2006/7/31 22:54
     Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: Dominican12 2006/8/1 4:13
       Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: S.A.M. 2006/8/1 4:14
         Re: TO THE FAN OF TITANIC, ENTER: rip1912 2006/8/11 8:07
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