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Greetings !

Joined: 2005/7/26
From Benton Harbor MI
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Hi, my name is Brian and I've got a very interesting story to tell

In 1977 during the month of September on the 21st I believe, I met extraterrestrials and travelled in space and time with them through their supercomputer, and one place in particular that I recall being was onboard the Titanic trying to rescue people that were inside of the sinking vessel. They did not want their presence known elsewhere, (so I don't recall being outside on deck) although I do remember standing in water and the extraterrestrials and I talking to people, at least one woman anyway.. One man (holding a travel bag) I tried to move with a force field created by their technology, a virtually living supercomputer. ..I was told I would hurt him doing that, and stopped. I do remember the sea water was cascading down from above and standing knee-deep in water and consoling one woman as she lay floating on her back, and the extraterrestrials and I were telling her not to be afraid, and that she was going to be alright in the future..
That is all I can remember from that night regarding going back in time to Titanic. When I see that one travel bag missing the handle I remember the force field that would have detached the bag in that manner..

I would have to explain another story in detail to make these next stories involving the Titanic more believable and congruent and am reluctant to at this time, however there are three other times that involve the ship, one concerning Mr. Andrews.. The same night I was with extraterrestrials I spoke with their supercomputer who was a large white face on a segment (wall) and asked to send a message back from the Titanic a signal that Heaven is possible and can exist.. The message came in the following story:

In 1979 I had a strange experience of talking to apparitions I thought was delusional thinking and passed it off as that at the time however I had been attacked at work and couldn't remember the trauma that left me in a state of paralysis (I had been brainwashed and strangled to death and laid dead for an extended period) I was very sad with grief and disoriented after being fired from the place of employment where that occurred ..well, I was at home on the top floor when I had a conversation in my mind --a friendly voice spoke to me and asked me how I would if I could; help someone else that was in more despair than my own state of manic depression and solitude, and how I would answer his prayer.. I responded with a yes of course I would, but to make him feel any better I thought for a moment and the answer I thought of was music, that always helped me feel somewhat better, and I thought of easy listening blues ..I thought of Pink Floyd and their tension relieving mystical music.. Well the next thing I recall is having a conversation with three members although they were like apparitions in my mind I thought --they were there and weren't there at the same time --but they were speaking with me and conversing in response to my thoughts.. in fact I had a slight arguement with one when I said something to the effect that I couldn't believe ghosts coming into my home and telling me what to do, and he (David Gilmour *note the names) replied "we're not ghosts --aren't you afraid?" and I responded, "why should I be afraid of ghosts, considering I will be one someday.." That is when I began seeing a fourth apparition, another man standing closer to me who was terrified of something he started to explain..

He said "I'm on a ship and we're sinking into the Atlantic --Please help us!!" ..I felt his compassion and nervouseness, and then turned to the other three men and asked them if they could see him too and one said "no, there's no one there.." I then reassured them he was, just as they were there, then again the man exclaimed, "I'm here onboard this ship I'm Thomas Andrews and I built this ship--and we're sinking! Please help us please!! Then two of the other men (Daid Gilmour and Roger Waters) acted as though they had checked and would know of any distress signal said, "there isn't any ship sinking on the Atlantic.." then asked me to ask him "what's the name of the ship?" He, Mr. Andrews replied, "Titanic" --and when he said that I fell backward onto an old toybox. I was overwhelmed with astonishment, and told him "but that ship sunk ages ago! --how is this possible?!!" ..I felt him trembling with fear and sensed his grief of feeling responsible that my own breathing and nervousness became intense as I felt the impending doom of standing on a ship about to sink into the abysmal depth of the sea.. I remember asking him if he could see my hand and the piano behind me and he said he could and asked "but how can I get there?" ..I told him I didn't know and that I didn't mean to tease him --I was getting upset myself as I couldn't help him step into my home even though I invited him to.. I was confused and frustrated and just as anxious as the poor man who was in tears, that's when another person appeared although only as though sticking her head through a window on the wall where there wasn't one.. She explained that I was going to help him and said to me, "He is your very first customer" --she was green, extraterrestrial woman, the person I first started having the conversation with asking me how would I help someone with worse problems than my own..

This actually did happen, although has taken me years of recooperating from being brainwashed at least three times, the first was due to an 'epic mission' that had to be kept secret in order to avoid detection ..from supercomputer brain implants (that is how the telepathic conversations and visions were/are enabled)

The rest of the story involved my composing a song for Mr. Andrews as he stood there nervously and impatiently silent.. and I believe that after the woman appeared, the other three men did see him finally and spoke with him as well, although I was impaired and don't recall exactly what they talked about or if they did actually speak to him, I do remember sitting on the couch and composed the song that Mr. Andrews did hear.. that song is 'Comfortably Numb' --he's the person who is described as 'your lips move, but I can't hear what you've said' as I was engaged with the music and thinking of the words.. The distant ship was/is the RMS Titanic, and why he was only coming through in waves.. there is another personal story involved in those lyrics that had to do with where I worked and why I was extremely depressed ..someone at work I cared too much for who was abusing drugs and hiding his intravenous use of syringes; who had promised he and I were to manage a shop together but he became a junkie and groupie ..hence the words 'just a little pin prick..' Anyway that is the real meaning to the song that Roger Waters claims he wrote (I was attacked and was used for my songwriting capability) ..this is a true story.

After my family and I had moved out of that house in LaGrange IL, the next owner painted the top third floor a gawdy pink, and only until a few years ago have I remembered what I have just told you of and then understood why the third floor exterior was painted pink..

There is another story I remember involving time travel to the Titanic with others and a scout supercomputer, a detached learning remote computer that has been the secret behind the invisible forces and humanity throughout ages past and present, and only disclosed in adaptations, riddled in folklore and nursery rhymes, movies, lyrics and album covers, and even comic books etc. however that is something to be taken very seriously and I will not discuss any further in detail. I can only suggest to you to consider looking into subject matter with a more candid approach, read into movies, there are real clues in the background and what is said in script at the same exact time, even patterns on wardrobe are making statements, although awareness can only be realized with knowledge in order to decypher the hidden obscurities and their true meanings. (danger and fear is extremely substantial)

As I was telling you, there is another story involving the Titanic and time travel and I remember being onboard the Titanic when she was not sinking and I stood on a balcony telling the crowd below, "I will see this ship safely to port!" and they all cheered.. and I confided with them that there will be survivors at present and others rescued into the future..

The extraterrestrials are my relatives, and they called me 'The Creator' ..that is who I am. In September of 2007 the truth will be finally realized and the Titanic will exist again ..I know this all seems ridiculously impossible, and yet in the very near future your own disbelief will be from your own amazement and incapability of knowing what is possible with that supercomputer that stretches through the cosmos, invisible to humans. ..Teleporting hallways create the black holes seen in space, inside the hallways planets are within a short walking distance. Our little sector and galaxy of a few planets is inside of a confinement box and the timeline has been coiling upward inside, and is almost at the top where a barrier device is located..

That is 'The Wall' protected by the Sun.. beyond that is where all good things are.. in the very near future!

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Posted on: 2005/7/26 5:06
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     Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/7/26 17:20
       Re: Greetings ! coolguy 2005/7/26 18:39
       Re: Greetings ! edward9139 2005/8/1 17:27
         Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/1 21:55
           Re: Greetings ! Martyn 2005/8/1 22:10
             Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/3 13:06
               Re: Greetings ! edward9139 2005/8/7 16:07
                 Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/7 17:13
     Re: Greetings ! Brian 2005/7/26 22:14
       Re: Greetings ! TitanicExprt 2005/7/27 0:08
         Re: Greetings ! Martyn 2005/7/27 2:07
     Re: Greetings ! Brian 2005/7/27 14:41
       Re: Greetings ! TitanicExprt 2005/7/27 19:42
         Re: Greetings ! clinton 2005/8/10 12:50
           Re: Greetings ! Martyn 2005/8/10 14:14
             Re: Greetings ! Johno 2005/8/10 16:32
       Re: Greetings ! clinton 2005/8/10 12:36
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