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   black and white spinning swirls

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black and white spinning swirls

Joined: 2004/11/3
From The bottom of the foreward grand stare case "CLOAKED"
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I wonder what they are called. What it is is an optical swirrl that you look into the center of it for 30 seconds and then look at your hand and it looks like your skin is crawling . the colors of this spinning swrill wheel is black and white and I wonder what the exact name of it is.
If anybody knows what they are called then let me know
It would definitely be splendid if I were to receive a fully functioning replica of the R.M.S. Titanic. If that were so.. I would be living on her and call her, "Home Sweet Home." :hammer: [IMG][/IMG]
Posted on: 2004/11/5 19:26
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     Re: black and white spinning swirls rose89 2004/11/5 22:41
       Re: black and white spinning swirls ella m bullock 2004/11/17 6:19
         Re: black and white spinning swirls rose89 2004/11/18 1:07
           Re: black and white spinning swirls Titanic Nut-54 2004/11/22 22:46
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