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  Artifact exhibit in Piccadilly circus London

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Artifact exhibit in Piccadilly circus London

Joined: 2005/1/8
From London UK
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Has anyone in the UK been to the artifact exhibit in the trocadero at London's Piccadilly Circus?

I have seen the exhibit before at the science museum and have mixed feeling about the retreival of artifacts from the Titanic wreck. How do you view this controvertial subject? Part of me wanted to desperately see these objects. But I did not however get the same emotional feeling when I saw shoes collected from the ocean floor stuck behind a glass screen. Seeing pictures of pairs of laced-up shoes on the ocean floor had a bigger impact on me than seeing the real thing. The artifacts seemed to be void of the mystery that makes Titanic so compelling.

Please let me know how you view this by giving your opinion.

Peace to all,
Posted on: 2005/1/11 15:55
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