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  •  Jalangkuteh

Joined: 2007/6/10
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Cluld Murdoch have done better to save the ship from it collision wif the iceberg?
Well I believe you'll make your headlines, Mr.Ismay...
Posted on: 2007/6/14 5:42
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  •  Titanic King
      Titanic King
Re: Murdoch...

Joined: 2006/7/5
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yeah he did save many lives by helping people get off the and into lifeboats.
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Posted on: 2007/6/14 16:09
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  •  Mac G
      Mac G
Re: Murdoch...

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No, he could not have done a better job in the midst of the time of the incident. He did what he was trained to do. He had about 39 seconds to avoid the ice. We do know now that if they hit head on, the ship would most likely have remained afloat. However, Murdoch was trying to avoid any contact whatsoever. Little did he know that they rudder was too small and that the fast she went(He reversed the engines) the more quickly she would turn.
"Looked like a rocket sir."

"Yes, I wonder why a ship like that would want to fire a rocket?"

(A Night to Remember, Stone & Gibson)
Posted on: 2007/6/16 15:17
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  •  redairborne22
Re: Murdoch...

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He tried to "port around" the berg, which pretty much was a stop-and -turn. Needless to say, he didn't have the time to pull that off, and probably by the time he realized it, it was too late. I don't feel it was his fault though. He just happened to be the senior man on the bridge when they reached the ice. Considering the size of the ice flow, it's amazing they lasted as long as they did.
Posted on: 2007/6/20 3:48
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  •  MGY Friend
      MGY Friend
Re: Murdoch...

Joined: 2006/7/7
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Also, we have to realize that although Olympic had been in service for a year, these two ships (Olympic and Titanic) were really new technology with new physics involved in navigating them.

You could make the arguement that the ships were evolving faster than the most senior officers (like Murdoch, Smith, Wilde, or anyone) could keep up with maybe.
"Why is it the ship beats the waves
when the waves are so many and
the ship is one?
The reason is that ship
has a purpose".

Sir Winston Churchill
Posted on: 2007/6/20 16:43
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  •  Mac G
      Mac G
Re: Murdoch...

Joined: 2007/4/15
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Yeah, it's hard to say. Like MGY said, new technology with veterans like the Sr officers would have trouble with her.
"Looked like a rocket sir."

"Yes, I wonder why a ship like that would want to fire a rocket?"

(A Night to Remember, Stone & Gibson)
Posted on: 2007/7/11 22:37
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  •  Mrs. Andrews
      Mrs. Andrews
Re: Murdoch...

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I voted no. He did his best that night.
Posted on: 2007/7/22 12:28
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Re: Murdoch...

Joined: 2006/3/30
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Mac G wrote:
No, he could not have done a better job in the midst of the time of the incident. We do know now that if they hit head on, the ship would most likely have remained afloat. However, Murdoch was trying to avoid any contact whatsoever.

I agree with you Mac G. Plus, being on its maiden voyage, the last thing that the officers (and White Star) would want is for the NEW Titanic to pull into New York with a wrecked bow. Murdoch was trying to miss the iceberg without "scratching the paint". Unfortunatly, Titanic was too close to miss the iceberg and she hit it anyway.
Robert Aviles - rip1912
Posted on: 2007/7/22 17:05
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  •  MGY Friend
      MGY Friend
Re: Murdoch...

Joined: 2006/7/7
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rip1912 wrote: Murdoch was trying to miss the iceberg without "scratching the paint".

This has nothing really to do with the topic, but I thought I would ask it anyway since Robert's statement about "scratching the paint" triggered my memory.

Do any of you know that on many of ships maiden voyages, their bow paint close to the water line is chipped off horribly?

If not, take a look at Olympic's bow on her arrival in New York, or say Normandie on her first voyage.

(Aparently, it takes a few re-paints after the first voyage to get the paint where it can stand the force of the water breaking around it).

So aparently, if Titanic survived, she would probably still have some paint missing.
"Why is it the ship beats the waves
when the waves are so many and
the ship is one?
The reason is that ship
has a purpose".

Sir Winston Churchill
Posted on: 2007/7/23 19:17
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  •  Mac G
      Mac G
Re: Murdoch...

Joined: 2007/4/15
From New York
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MGY--Didn't know that. But it makes sense with all that speed and force on the ships side. I would have rather had her damage the bow than sink....
"Looked like a rocket sir."

"Yes, I wonder why a ship like that would want to fire a rocket?"

(A Night to Remember, Stone & Gibson)
Posted on: 2007/7/26 23:22
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