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  Imagine 1912....what class would you be in??

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  •  SeaRiggs
Imagine 1912....what class would you be in??

Joined: 2008/1/16
From Massachusetts USA
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The year is are about to board the Titanic...It is a year of society...people are sepertated by class. (And to be honest... this is a the lifeboats were filled it was according to class...the dead bodies were sorted according to first, second and third class...3rd class bodies were tossed in a heap...second class had sown canvas bags..only first class had coffins) you are buying a ticket on the Titanic in danger in site
What class would you be in?
Keep this in mind..and I thought this of myself...
in 1912...they only excepted Visa, Discover, or Mastercard...minus all credit cards and loans...
what class are you?
I am a proud 3rd class person! I am a single mom of twins at 37 I would like to get were I need to be the cheapest way possible, so I can feed and cloth my babies. BUT I have enough credit to make first class...but that doesn't count on if I make it or not would depend on that April night in 1912.
Ever thought where you would credit cards included?
I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to flounder. I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern ship building has gone beyond that.
-Captian Smith Commander of Titanic
Posted on: 2008/1/21 2:13
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  •  Titanic_charlie
Re: Imagine 1912....what class would you be in??

Joined: 2006/12/30
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2nd class for me, I'm well off, but I'm not loaded. Or possibly, if i was traveling alone, a first class signal berth. I, being male, would not get into a lifeboat in less all women and children were already in. I'm not trying to sound sexist. I just wouldn't feel right, but I would make a try for it in the water.
Posted on: 2008/1/21 5:00
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  •  SeaRiggs
Re: Imagine 1912....what class would you be in??

Joined: 2008/1/16
From Massachusetts USA
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you aren't are just trying to be a gentleman...which is nice
Posted on: 2008/1/21 10:25
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  •  Titanic'sSister
Re: Imagine 1912....what class would you be in??

Joined: 2007/7/22
From Texas
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According to this site:(, which does not mention how old these estimates are, these are prices of tickets on Titanic for a one-way trip in today's money:

First Class Parlor Suite: $50,000 (no parlor suite for me!)
First Class Berth: $1,724
Second Class: $690
Third Class: $172-460

I could get a first class berth, but that would require scrimping and saving for a while (ramen noodles, anyone?). So second class would be a less fun but more realistic choice. However, if I was supporting two kids with my less-than-awesome paychecks, I'd be in third also.

About the lifeboats: Even though the custom of the time was "women and children first", I'd feel bad about getting into boat while there were still men who had children left on the ship. I wouldn't want any child to be fatherless because I had lived.
Posted on: 2008/1/21 23:55
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  •  SeaRiggs
Re: Imagine 1912....what class would you be in??

Joined: 2008/1/16
From Massachusetts USA
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Yep, I am definately a 3rd class person all the way...However, I could also get a 1st class ticket...if I scrimped and saved...and went without my kids...although I wouldn't go anywhere without my twins.
But my reality is I wouldn't want to spend the money on a first class ticket...give me the cheapest you got...just get me where I want to go. I would rather spend the money on food, clothes etc.
I am a huge bargain person...just point me in the direction of the clearence section and I'm happy.
I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to flounder. I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern ship building has gone beyond that.
-Captian Smith Commander of Titanic
Posted on: 2008/1/22 1:45
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  •  Mac G
      Mac G
Re: Imagine 1912....what class would you be in??

Joined: 2007/4/15
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Are we also translating the money? Obviously the value of money has changed a lot since 1912. I could afford a first class berth which my current income(Not bad for a college student), yet if it's translated I may be working in the boiler rooms. haha.
"Looked like a rocket sir."

"Yes, I wonder why a ship like that would want to fire a rocket?"

(A Night to Remember, Stone & Gibson)
Posted on: 2008/1/22 2:20
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  •  Titanic'sSister
Re: Imagine 1912....what class would you be in??

Joined: 2007/7/22
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Mac G wrote:
Are we also translating the money?

Yes. According to that website, those amounts are in today's dollars.
Posted on: 2008/1/22 2:34
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  •  Mac G
      Mac G
Re: Imagine 1912....what class would you be in??

Joined: 2007/4/15
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Well I guess first class for me!
"Looked like a rocket sir."

"Yes, I wonder why a ship like that would want to fire a rocket?"

(A Night to Remember, Stone & Gibson)
Posted on: 2008/1/22 3:26
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  •  SeaRiggs
Re: Imagine 1912....what class would you be in??

Joined: 2008/1/16
From Massachusetts USA
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Wooo Hoooo Mac...will you be booking the parlor suite, sir?
I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to flounder. I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern ship building has gone beyond that.
-Captian Smith Commander of Titanic
Posted on: 2008/1/22 10:55
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  •  Mac G
      Mac G
Re: Imagine 1912....what class would you be in??

Joined: 2007/4/15
From New York
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That's a bit too steep for me right now! haha
"Looked like a rocket sir."

"Yes, I wonder why a ship like that would want to fire a rocket?"

(A Night to Remember, Stone & Gibson)
Posted on: 2008/1/22 19:21
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