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  Taking stuff from the Titanic??

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  •  amanda_mg42
Taking stuff from the Titanic??

Joined: 2003/8/28
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What is your opinion about taking stuff from the Titanic?

My opinion is leave the belongings be. A quote from Dr.Ballard "It is like taking jewels from the old lady" The way I see it is: You would not want someone else taking stuff from a dead relative of yours, so why should you take something from someone else's relative?
Posted on: 2003/8/28 3:59
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  •  Anonymous
It has all been nearly taken. All that is valueble that is.

Basicly, to date people are sueing each other just for that
Posted on: 2003/8/28 14:19
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  •  singerangel181

Joined: 2003/8/23
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my opinion about taking stuff from the Titanic.i think that they should leave the priceless stuff alone
Posted on: 2003/9/7 4:57
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  •  Will
Re: Taking stuff from the Titanic??

Joined: 2003/9/20
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You said, ...

[quote:58647143ed="amanda_mg42"]What is your opinion about taking stuff from the Titanic?

My opinion is leave the belongings be. A quote from Dr.Ballard "It is like taking jewels from the old lady" The way I see it is: You would not want someone else taking stuff from a dead relative of yours, so why should you take something from someone else's relative?[/quote:58647143ed]

however, at a site called , there is a quote which says, ...
'Ballard, in fact, was a strong supporter of artifact recovery. In 1985, he testified to the U.S. Congress that "I am in favor of the recovery of that material probably with manned submarines, to ensure that they are protected and the public and the world have the ability to to speak, and feel the ship."'
which would tend to suggest that either Mr. Ballard was of two minds on the subject, or he was at least not constant in his thinking.

The situation is open for debate, however there are people of divergent views, both because of moral and religious reasons, and they likely cannot be swayed due to their strong personal feelings. If the scientific community were querried, they would probably be for salvaging what could be gotten, either for research or display, but they don't seem to be in the forum at the moment.
Posted on: 2003/9/25 15:47
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  •  Shalyre

Joined: 2003/9/25
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Call me a freak. It doesnt bother me at all that they would take things from the ship.

Then again this is coming from a person who loves history so much I actually cried when I touched the walls of a pyramid. So much history.

I make it a point to travel as much as I can. One of my favorite things to do is to stand in a place and just close my eyes and picture all the time that passed. All the people who walked where I stood before me. Its really over whelming.

While I know that many people have major moral issues with bring things up from the Titanic. There are many people in the world who are like me. Even just to touch.. say... a spoon. Who would have held that spoon last? Was it a spoon that sat in a tea cup in 1st class? Or was it a spoon that fed the mouth of a young child crammed into a tiny room in 3rd class? Perhaps it was just a spoon that some cook used in the kitchens?

These are things my mind thinks about. Strange I know.
Posted on: 2003/9/25 15:55
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  •  Silja

Joined: 2003/9/17
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To Shalyre:

I agree with you. It is the artefacts, the personal belongings, which bring the individual people and their fates back to life.

Posted on: 2003/9/25 21:58
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