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  Titanic Scenario To Be Featured In Upcoming Game

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Titanic Scenario To Be Featured In Upcoming Game

Joined: 2006/1/5
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It's all there. You have several other scenarios to survive. After doing a little research into the game I found you have to move around flooded corridors, hallways, and try to find your way to the deck as a third class passenger. You will have full movement and the free-roaming ability of Grand Theft Auto. You will also have the option of saving people or leaving them and worry only about yourself. You're supposted to either get a piece of wood, get to a lifeboat, or find some other means to survive. You can go all over the ship. It's going to have graphics that will make HL2 look outdated. I learned that glass will only be able to survive a certain amount of pressure as water rolls over the roof of your location, nothing is scripted except the sinking (duh!), you will be able to interact with famous names on the Titanic such as Captain Edward J. Smith, Benjamen Guggenheim, John Jacob Astor IV, and many more, and it is going to be third-person! So, will you be trapped in the Titanic as she sinks, will you make it to the boat deck only to die as the ship is sucked down, will you freeze, or will you survive the most famous sunken ship in history? It all depends on your actions! It is scheduled for a 2007 release in January (bummer, man; then again with graphics that good I can wait; PS2 version for me!).
Blue ocean, ten-thousand fleets sail over ye in vain. Man marks the Earth in ruin, his control stops at the shore.
Posted on: 2006/6/20 4:24
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  •  FoX
Re: Titanic Scenario To Be Featured In Upcoming Game

Joined: 2006/4/12
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Sounds great!! I've been waiting a long time for another Titanic game to be realeased... Bet it'll look great on xbox360
Posted on: 2006/6/20 8:35
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  •  Captain
Re: Titanic Scenario To Be Featured In Upcoming Game

Joined: 2006/1/5
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I think it was only coming for Xbox, PC, PS2, and Gamecube. I just realized there are now a total of 1,912 topics posted here.
Blue ocean, ten-thousand fleets sail over ye in vain. Man marks the Earth in ruin, his control stops at the shore.
Posted on: 2006/6/20 20:50
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  •  titanicfan05
Re: Titanic Scenario To Be Featured In Upcoming Game

Joined: 2006/4/23
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Is the Titanic scenario you can play? Or is there more? I would probably only play the Titanic scenario anyways, but just curious.
Posted on: 2006/6/24 18:42
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  •  Vanishing Nightmare
      Vanishing Nightmare
Re: Titanic Scenario To Be Featured In Upcoming Game

Joined: 2006/6/22
From Kentucky, United States
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Didn't realize there was games of the Titanic.. should have known I am more into the field of MMORPG's currently playing Ultima Online and I am only a PC gamer as well. I do not touch the others they are very expensive and once a new system comes out you have to go out and buy a whole NEW system and get games that are compatiable for that

What would be really neat is if you can build, design an Oceanliner, make up your own companies name and such. Try to bring in the public to be apart your ship and series of diffrent events happen and you have to try to prevent / correct them. Weather effects as well and the seasonal change.

First you would have to customize how your character will look because will sometimes need him or her to come into game. but over all it is looking down at the chips from bird's eye view and working with things that way.

Crafting the Oceanliner part... you have diffrent ways to craft the metal some might be more resilliant to heat or the cold and other attributes and those will effect your ships in diffrent ways. So if you have a fire aboard and the metal you crafted is more resilliant it will give you more time before it gets so hot that will make the entire ship where you can not save it no more but if have a situation like being in cold water and slam into another ship in the fog or something the metal is much more brittle and will crack causing more issue than a fire aboard would be. I am sure there is many other options here

Weather or natral factors against you, storms, rain, hail, hurricanes, underwater Earthquakes and whatever else.

Elementas against you, ageing of your ship and how well you keep it upkept to keep it seaworthy. Does it need repainting? New parts? Things sometimes break down and no where to fix them how will you beable to go around this problem if there is one?

Also beable to pick what time era you want to play. So if you build something back into the 1800's you will probably get mostly wooden hull type of choices and such and technology of that time... what they knew and worked or make it more recent.

But very neat game myself i'd defintally play it and allow it to be online so you have either computer companies and ships they make go up against you (the NPC's) or real players maybe your friends connect to you and play it this way. Will not be much interaction seeing friends or anything but least you all can go upagainst each other and have fun that way.

Also have a view on board mode, where after you craft a ship you can go aboard it or any other liner that is in the game at the time. Right click it bring up a menu and can click on "View on board" and you get to walk around it to see what it looks like on there.

That is what I would want more, and you could always craft the Titanic and watch it sail around ^_^

-Cricket Korta'Ari-
Posted on: 2006/6/24 19:17
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  •  titanicfan05
Re: Titanic Scenario To Be Featured In Upcoming Game

Joined: 2006/4/23
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Vanishing Nightmare wrote: "What would be really neat is if you can build, design an Oceanliner, make up your own companies name and such. Try to bring in the public to be apart your ship and series of diffrent events happen and you have to try to prevent / correct them. Weather effects as well and the seasonal change."<br />I agree, that would be cool. I would love to be able to try and build the Titanic and then sail it...And if it was like Sims, you could create the passengers and control who does what and who talks to who. That sounds like a fun game.
Posted on: 2006/7/4 5:51
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Re: Titanic Scenario To Be Featured In Upcoming Game

Joined: 2005/1/2
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Somehow the word 'fun' doesnt spring to mind....... Lol but then some people like that sort of game I suppose.
Where the hell did my 1800 posts GO!!!!????? :P
Posted on: 2006/7/27 0:52
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Re: Titanic Scenario To Be Featured In Upcoming Game

Joined: 2004/11/24
From Santo domingo,DR and New york
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Its look like the game is really going to be great

anyway there another game called Ship Simulator, which we are going be albe to ride and run titanic for the first time
Posted on: 2006/8/1 2:43
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  •  missrose
Re: Titanic Scenario To Be Featured In Upcoming Game

Joined: 2006/4/4
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Hopefully it will sort of be kind of like the sims! because I am like a Sims addict.....
Posted on: 2006/8/1 3:21
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  •  Titanic King
      Titanic King
Re: Titanic Scenario To Be Featured In Upcoming Game

Joined: 2006/7/5
From Remyxxx777
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I dont know about you Miss Rose, but I am a Halo freak and a big gamefreak. Christmas I am getting the X-box 360.
xbox live gamertag:AlmasLordChild
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Posted on: 2006/8/1 3:25
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