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  Pier 54 Arch to be Removed?

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  •  Betty
Pier 54 Arch to be Removed?

Joined: 2004/1/12
From Albany, New York
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Teamtuna, I was just doing some research for someone on Pier 54 in NYC and came across this. Now I do not know how old the site is, but I know you have been to NY as have I. Please tell me this is not true.

Take a walk down 11th Avenue, south of the Chelsea Piers, past 14th Street. You'll see a semicircular tower of rusting metal, awaiting the wrecking ball, at the remains of Pier 54. What's so ...

It tells how that new complex might be tearing down the White Star Arch? Is this really true? And why can not not incorporate into their new Park?
Posted on: 2004/4/9 23:26
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  •  Rosie1912

Joined: 2004/4/4
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Page showed up "does not exist" for me... But if you go to the main page and click on the "Search" and type in Titanic, it's the first link..

I can't believe no one seems to care about history anymore.. It's not JUST an arch, it's a part of Titanic's history...
Posted on: 2004/4/10 8:55
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  •  Betty

Joined: 2004/1/12
From Albany, New York
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Sorry about the page not showing up. But, I emailed the person who had the article on that page, I was not sure how old the article was or if he would reply but.this is what he replied:

Last I looked a couple of months ago, it was still there...--k

I also think so many of our historic buildings, etc are torn down to make room for "progress" which to me is very sad. How can we learn or enjoy anything from our heritage if it is removed or destroyed?
Posted on: 2004/4/10 12:22
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  •  Rosie1912

Joined: 2004/4/4
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Betty- Don't worry about it. Was able to find the page you were talking about in a minute. Wasn't hard to find with the search.

Wow what a blunt response... A girl I know went to NY not too long ago and went there and it was still there... But that defeats the point as they still might have plans to tear it down in the near future.

Wonder if one of those "Petitiononline" things were started, if enough people signed it, if the people who are thinking about tearing it down would reconsider or ATLEAST move it to some place where it still can be seen..

I think some people just don't care about history/heritiage anymore.. They see land or a place like where the arch is, tear it down and put a mall there or something...anything to make a buck..
Posted on: 2004/4/10 15:38
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  •  Betty

Joined: 2004/1/12
From Albany, New York
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Yes Rosie,
I am afraid it is true. All anyone thinks about today is how to make a buck, the heck with history/historic things.

I was thinking of writing to the Governor and the Mayor, since I love letter writing, but wanted to wait until I found out if they actually are going to destory it, but then again maybe I should not wait until then?hmmmm

Well I might get my letter together.
Posted on: 2004/4/10 21:07
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