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  •  nutty_3001
story titanic

Joined: 2004/2/17
From manchester U K
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when Sue Heron Wollam gaive her new-born son Doanald his first bath
he sreamed in terror
I thought he would outgrow his inordinate fear of water she siad .But
he remained terrified .
When the Cubmaster tried to pus him of the diving board at the local
pool, Donald grabbed th master and they both fell in the deep end .

The child became obsessed with the Titainc and at judt six had an
enormous knowledge on the subject.

One day he told his baffled mother No one should have drowned .
Thay should have had 48 lifebout to save everyone .
It was White star lins`s fault they did not have enough

And he discribed how tow children use to play all day in an enpty
room on the ship .It was so cold .
When you swallowed the water it was freezing and there was nothing
to hold on to .
When he was 19 , Donald drowned in a quarry whie on a camping trip .

Two months later his mother was watching a tv documentary on the
Titainc . One of the srvivor said : My brother and i were children then .
We uesd to ply all day in an empty room .
Her blood ran clod as another survivor said 48 lifeboats were needed
instead of 16 ( but ther were 20 )
When Donald had talked of the water it was as if he knew first-hand .
Is it possilble that he drrowned twice
.......................................................................................................... what do u all think ? . i think that he just read it then told his mum.

This story was in the people November 9 1997 . thay cud not be dotherd
find a phot of the Titanic as thay put a phot of the Lusitania
Posted on: 2004/4/10 4:03
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