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   To clear Andrews name

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  •  SeaRiggs
Re: To clear Andrews name

Joined: 2008/1/16
From Massachusetts USA
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Thankyou for your comments as well MGY...I love the points that you bring always encourges me to keep doing research to get answers for questions we have.
The more I dig...the more I learn...and its so nice to have such great people to talk and discuss things with. Thanks for sharing.
AND please know that I didn't rush to clear Andrews name after I read what you had posted...It was such a good and facinating question that I just got addicted to finding out what happened.
I just think it was a series of unfortunate events that led to titanics tragic end.
I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to flounder. I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern ship building has gone beyond that.
-Captian Smith Commander of Titanic
Posted on: 2008/1/22 1:55
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Subject Poster Date
     Re: To clear Andrews name SeaRiggs 2008/1/20 19:46
       Re: To clear Andrews name MGY Friend 2008/1/21 19:13
         Re: To clear Andrews name SeaRiggs 2008/1/22 1:55
           Re: To clear Andrews name Mac G 2008/1/22 2:24
             Re: To clear Andrews name SeaRiggs 2008/1/22 13:21
               Re: To clear Andrews name Mac G 2008/1/22 19:26
                 Re: To clear Andrews name lilcandycane 2008/1/23 19:15
                   Re: To clear Andrews name Mark Chirnside 2008/1/27 10:02
                     Re: To clear Andrews name Mark Chirnside 2008/1/27 10:03
                       Re: To clear Andrews name Anonymous 2008/2/17 17:24
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