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   To clear Andrews name

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Re: To clear Andrews name

Joined: 2003/9/14
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Hi Lilcandycane,

I agree with you in that Andrews practised a philosophy of continuous improvement. His notes on Olympic's maiden voyage (see here:'%20OLYMPIC%20NOTES%201911%20(text%20box).htm ) attest to that.


lilcandycane wrote:
When the Olympic went out for her sea trials they noticed at top sppeds the ship "breathing" meaning the steel would bow out a little, in seeing this they added more steel to Titanic and that was when the promanode deack was enclosed(they thought by adding more steel the ship would be stronger).

Bear in mind that those particular claims are far from established fact. I am aware that they were used on the recent television documentary, but the factual basis for them is not clear at all and no documentation has been produced to support either claim.

The claim about 'breathing' (actually 'panting') is a case in point. There were specific features of the hull design intended to prevent such a defect, and in comparison with her peers there seems no reason to suspect Olympic was defective in that regard. A large number of technical specialists have addressed those claims and refuted them.

In terms of the promenade deck, this was part of the ship's superstructure and did not impart any strength to the hull girder.

Best wishes,

Mark Chirnside, Warwickshire, England.
'RMS Olympic: Titanic's Sister.'
Posted on: 2008/1/27 10:02
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Subject Poster Date
     Re: To clear Andrews name SeaRiggs 2008/1/20 19:46
       Re: To clear Andrews name MGY Friend 2008/1/21 19:13
         Re: To clear Andrews name SeaRiggs 2008/1/22 1:55
           Re: To clear Andrews name Mac G 2008/1/22 2:24
             Re: To clear Andrews name SeaRiggs 2008/1/22 13:21
               Re: To clear Andrews name Mac G 2008/1/22 19:26
                 Re: To clear Andrews name lilcandycane 2008/1/23 19:15
                   Re: To clear Andrews name Mark Chirnside 2008/1/27 10:02
                     Re: To clear Andrews name Mark Chirnside 2008/1/27 10:03
                       Re: To clear Andrews name Anonymous 2008/2/17 17:24
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