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   To clear Andrews name

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Re: To clear Andrews name
Thomas Andrews- in my oppion andrews name is a well respected figure in maritime history now like he was a well respected ship designer back when he was alive. He was well respected by the worker's of Harland and Wolff.

Although andrews at the time when he was incharge of the olympic class designs he did what was right and made sure the olympic class could have more lifeboats added if the shipping regulations would be updated.

aswell the shipping regulations were very outdated and after the titanic disaster they had to open there eyes and change the regulations regarding merchant ship's.

Andrews is no more quilty then anyone else that night as they all did what they thourght to be correct. Captain smith was doing what is said to be correct at the time as it was the quicker the ship gets out of the danger zone the better. Aswell murdock did what he thourght to be correct by trying to use the iceberg as an apex. Aswell the marconi men were doing what they had to do the transmision of traffic to the public. Bruce ismay aswell was doing what he thourght was correct by ordering speed trials for monday or tuesday.

i dont think andrews is guilty as almost to then end he hellped he helped shut all port hole windows. Andrews helped as best he could althourg in history its said he was stood by the first class fireplace in state of shock right at the end. I think andrews died a proper gentleman and his name is well respected in the eyes of the general public. aswell the film by david cameron did not give him any rescpet just like macmaster murdocks family sewing
Posted on: 2008/2/17 17:24
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Subject Poster Date
     Re: To clear Andrews name SeaRiggs 2008/1/20 19:46
       Re: To clear Andrews name MGY Friend 2008/1/21 19:13
         Re: To clear Andrews name SeaRiggs 2008/1/22 1:55
           Re: To clear Andrews name Mac G 2008/1/22 2:24
             Re: To clear Andrews name SeaRiggs 2008/1/22 13:21
               Re: To clear Andrews name Mac G 2008/1/22 19:26
                 Re: To clear Andrews name lilcandycane 2008/1/23 19:15
                   Re: To clear Andrews name Mark Chirnside 2008/1/27 10:02
                     Re: To clear Andrews name Mark Chirnside 2008/1/27 10:03
                       Re: To clear Andrews name Anonymous 2008/2/17 17:24
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