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   White Star's third liner

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White Star's third liner
Can anyone throw any light on the three proposed White Star ships i know the Titanic and Olympic were built. But i think i read somewhere that three ships were originally planned and i think the third was Gigantic correct me if i am wrong. But it will help me with a paper i am doing on ships of the White Star Line Thank you. Neptune
Posted on: 2005/1/11 15:04
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     Re: White Star's third liner Titanicluvr91 2005/1/11 16:28
       Re: White Star's third liner Anonymous 2005/1/11 18:39
         Re: White Star's third liner Martyn 2005/1/21 16:32
           Re: White Star's third liner titanicrules 2005/1/23 17:16
       Re: White Star's third liner titanicrules 2005/1/23 17:14
         Re: White Star's third liner Martyn 2005/1/23 18:12
     Re: White Star's third liner Martyn 2005/1/11 17:50
       Re: White Star's third liner Anonymous 2005/1/11 18:37
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