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  the forgotten class

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  •  lilcandycane
the forgotten class

Joined: 2006/7/17
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i was thinking about the people that sailed on Titanic, and i thought of second class passengers. They seem to be the forgotten class. We hear about the luxury of first class, and the well to do people. We hear about third class, and the stories of whole families who perished together. I've noticed not much seems to be mentioned about the second class passengers. So i thought that each day i will post a small story about a second class passenger...(maybe bring a little life back to this site)

I figured i'd start at the top...(if i come to a name and can't find anything about them, i will give their name then move on to the next). The first on the list is Mr and Mrs. Samson Abelson. They were from Russia. They were headed to New York where Mr. Abelson's brother lived. They boarded at Cherbourg. They paid 24 pounds for their tickets. Mrs Abelson was rescued on boat number 10, her husband was lost(and if his body was ever recoved it was never identified). Mrs. Abelson did remarry and passed on December 22, 1963.
Posted on: 2006/8/9 22:51
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  •  S.A.M.
Re: the forgotten class

Joined: 2006/7/7
From down south
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i'll be looking forword to it...
"a world that sends you reeling, from decimated dreams, your misery and hate will kill us all. so paint it black and take it back lets shout it loud and clear. defient to the end we hear the call, to carry on"
-Welcome to the Black Parade
Posted on: 2006/8/9 23:41
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Re: the forgotten class

Joined: 2006/3/30
From Orange, VA (U.S.A.)
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Yeah, you didn't see second class in the movie. One of the things I've been digging for is - I know there was a black family in second class (one of my black friends asked me about the blacks on the Titanic) I just can't find the family name. Then again, I had a beast of a time trying to find anything about second class.

By the way, if the word "black" is offensive to anyone reading, sorry. I'm not trying to step on any toes or turn this into a racial topic. I'm just trying to find out this family's name.
Robert Aviles - rip1912
Posted on: 2006/8/10 2:59
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  •  lilcandycane
Re: the forgotten class

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Posted on: 2006/8/10 3:05
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Re: the forgotten class

Joined: 2006/3/30
From Orange, VA (U.S.A.)
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Thanks, lilcandycane! I'll give it a shot.
Robert Aviles - rip1912
Posted on: 2006/8/10 3:12
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  •  lilcandycane
Re: the forgotten class

Joined: 2006/7/17
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ok next on the list is

Mr Charles Augustus Aldworth, 30, was born about 1882. He resided in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania and worked as chauffeur to William E. Carter.

The Carter entourage boarded the Titanic at Southampton (ticket no. 248744, £13), all but Mr Aldworth travelled in first class. William Carter's 25 horsepower Renault automobile was stored in the forward hold on the Titanic and is listed on the cargo manifest.

Mr Aldworth lost his life in the disaster, his body, if recovered, was never identified.
Posted on: 2006/8/10 19:11
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  •  lilcandycane
Re: the forgotten class

Joined: 2006/7/17
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ok it's time again

Mr Edgar Samuel Andrew was born in "El Durazno" (San Ambrosio), Province of Córdoba, Argentina, on 28 March 1895, the son of English parents, Samuel and Annie (Robson) Andrew, from Whitby, Yorkshire.

On 5 May 1911, Edgar arrived in New York from Argentina on board the Vasari to visit his brother Alfredo. He would then go on to study in Bournemouth, England. A year later he was invited by Alfredo to attend to his wedding in the USA and, eventually, stay for a working position in his fiancée's (Harriet White Fisher) company (Fisher & Norris Anvil Works, of Trenton, New Jersey). He was supposed to board the Oceanic but owing to a coal strike he was forced to change his ticket and go aboard the Titanic instead.

Edgar Samuel died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified. Both, the post card and the letter have remained in the family.

In April 2001 RMS Titanic inc. salvors in possession of the Titanic wrecksite claimed to have found a suitcase belonging to Edgar Andrew and were restoring it's contents

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Posted on: 2006/8/11 20:54
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  •  Captain_Jack
Re: the forgotten class

Joined: 2005/3/30
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I belong to another Titanic group"Encyclopedia Titanic" which I must confess is the cream of the crop. Check out the entire list of 2nd class passengers provided there.
You can click on the passenger and read a bio on that subject.
Posted on: 2006/8/11 21:08
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  •  lilcandycane
Re: the forgotten class

Joined: 2006/7/17
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that is a cool site thanks for sharing...i thought that by posting thier stories here it might liven things up a bit...i also found another site that is quite interesting...
Posted on: 2006/8/11 22:00
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