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   the forgotten class

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  •  lilcandycane
the forgotten class

Joined: 2006/7/17
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i was thinking about the people that sailed on Titanic, and i thought of second class passengers. They seem to be the forgotten class. We hear about the luxury of first class, and the well to do people. We hear about third class, and the stories of whole families who perished together. I've noticed not much seems to be mentioned about the second class passengers. So i thought that each day i will post a small story about a second class passenger...(maybe bring a little life back to this site)

I figured i'd start at the top...(if i come to a name and can't find anything about them, i will give their name then move on to the next). The first on the list is Mr and Mrs. Samson Abelson. They were from Russia. They were headed to New York where Mr. Abelson's brother lived. They boarded at Cherbourg. They paid 24 pounds for their tickets. Mrs Abelson was rescued on boat number 10, her husband was lost(and if his body was ever recoved it was never identified). Mrs. Abelson did remarry and passed on December 22, 1963.
Posted on: 2006/8/9 22:51
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Subject Poster Date
     Re: the forgotten class S.A.M. 2006/8/9 23:41
       Re: the forgotten class rip1912 2006/8/10 2:59
         Re: the forgotten class lilcandycane 2006/8/10 3:05
           Re: the forgotten class rip1912 2006/8/10 3:12
             Re: the forgotten class lilcandycane 2006/8/10 19:11
               Re: the forgotten class lilcandycane 2006/8/11 20:54
                 Re: the forgotten class Captain_Jack 2006/8/11 21:08
                   Re: the forgotten class lilcandycane 2006/8/11 22:00
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