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  Wher did the carpathia dock?

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Wher did the carpathia dock?
My name is Jonas Frazier. I have a question reguarding history. Any body have an exact address, pier number, for where the Carpathia docked in NYC?
I live in Trenton New Jersey. I'd like to visit where she docked. Just for comparison. Thanks.
Jonas Frazier
Posted on: 2003/1/19 5:08
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  •  Mr. Titanic
      Mr. Titanic
Cunard Line's Pier 54

Joined: 2003/1/8
From Albany, NY
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Hello Jonas,
When the 13,603 gross-ton Carpathia arrived in New York, she docked at Cunard Line222s Pier 54, located at the West side of Manhattan.

Up until the 1930222s, Cunard222s main passenger terminal was at the Chelsea Docks at pier222s 53, 54 and 56, located at West 12 and West 15 Streets. In 1936, larger 1000 foot plus liners like the Queen Mary needed longer piers and 223Luxury Liner Row,224 as it soon became known as, was reassigned further uptown to piers 88 and 90, at West 50th Street. By the 1950222s the Chelsea pier222s where no longer used by Cunard Line. Today, piers 88 and 90 have been completely overhauled and all but a few cruise liners like the QE2 occasionally visit there.

I222m afraid nothing remains of the old piers, they have been either knocked down or replaced with some other structure, serving another purpose. When I lived in NYC till 1997, there was still a few dilapidated piers somewhere uptown near 90th St. (At this time I think they have been torn down.)

Perhaps the west side memorial, the Intrepid Air and Space Museum(@ Pier 86) has some reminiscing photos to help remember those times when the RMS Olympic, and other famous liners of the 20222s and 30222s once berthed.

Hope this helps.
Posted on: 2003/1/22 3:52
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  •  Betty

Joined: 2004/1/12
From Albany, New York
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Mr. Titanic,
Isn't there an iron fence at Pier 54 or where it use to be, with an overhead sign saying that was where Titanic was suppose to dock?

I went to NYC last summer looking for the "old" docking pier and thought I saw the fence with the sign above it? The piers were only some old pieces of wood in the water. It was so upsetting this was not designated as a historic site or anything done to let the public know that this was where Titanic was suppose to dock.
Posted on: 2004/2/14 0:27
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