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  the mysteri btween titanics ruder

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  •  Anonymous
the mysteri btween titanics ruder
the titanic ruder is ment to be way to small as it design was out of date were the more up to date ships in that time had a bigger rudder then the olympic class liners had as they were to small brittanic even had the same design for this as she was made after titanics accident in 1912 were brittanic was being slowly made at the tiome but then she came a hosmapl ship
Posted on: 2006/7/17 11:55
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Re: the mysteri btween titanics ruder

Joined: 2006/3/30
From Orange, VA (U.S.A.)
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I don't think Titanic's rudder was too small. Look at Queen Mary's rudder. It's small and on a larger ship. Look at this rudder and decide for yourself.

Attached file: jpg  Queen-Mary-Medium.jpg (19.93 KB)

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Robert Aviles - rip1912
Posted on: 2006/7/28 15:25
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Re: the mysteri btween titanics ruder

Joined: 2006/3/30
From Orange, VA (U.S.A.)
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Just found this pic. It shows Queen Mary's rudder a little better, though it's from a model. Still much better than the previous pic I posted.

Attached file: jpg  qm_model.jpg (53.96 KB)

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Robert Aviles - rip1912
Posted on: 2006/7/28 16:01
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  •  MGY Friend
      MGY Friend
Re: the mysteri btween titanics ruder

Joined: 2006/7/7
From New Mexico, USA
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I have a drawing from a magazine of a proposed design of Titanic II. It definately shows a larger rudder for the ship.

Although the Queen Mary has the same rudder size, we might want to keep in mind that the propeller positions might have something to do with it.

If I remember correctly, I heard that the Olympic class propeller configuration was a sloppy design, that is, with a prop right behind the rudder, and two wing props on each side.

The Lusitania and Mauretania, which could be auxillary heavy cruisers in times of war, had a prop design similar to the Mary's (two screws on each side with a rudder in the middle) . I. E., they were designed for being very menuverable in times of combat (Although this did not help the Lucy).

I'm just throwing this out here for thought: Battleship Bismarck had twin rudders in front of her props and it was determined that the ship could not steer good using only the props. The British caught her by disabling her steering gear.

I am no engineer, and this maybe false, but it seems today that most new ships like the QM2, would never have Titanic's configuration, rudder or props.
"Why is it the ship beats the waves
when the waves are so many and
the ship is one?
The reason is that ship
has a purpose".

Sir Winston Churchill
Posted on: 2006/7/28 16:43
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  •  LeoPlumtree
Re: the mysteri btween titanics ruder

Joined: 2005/4/23
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MGY Friend wrote:

If I remember correctly, I heard that the Olympic class propeller configuration was a sloppy design, that is, with a prop right behind the rudder, and two wing props on each side.

I don't know if 'sloppy' is the right word. The centre, turbine-driven prop was only there to give the ship added efficiency (more power from the same steam).

It's been said that there were no major deficiencies in Titanic's basic performance capabilities, including turning radius.

There've also been many ships with only a single prop and a rudder directly behind.
Posted on: 2006/7/28 19:11
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  •  Anonymous
Re: the mysteri btween titanics ruder
i read about titanics ruder was ment to be a out dated design made th ship turn to slow as it was written in the night to rember that it took titanic almost before itsbow was touching the burg to turn to port but was too close for the ship to turn at the speed it was going at which i read was 23.5 knots normal for her but her normal cruse speed was 21.3 knots the captain had orderd the last boilers lit which gave it a bust of power with he over 6 lite once at full capasity in steam wise the ship could reach a wopping speed of 26.7 knots a bit faster then the lustatania and makjestic but he ship didnt have chance to get this speed as she at 11:45 hit a ice berg on the staarberd side and recived a gash of up to 300 feet long so she had no chance to sevive then she sank and diserpeard under the waves at 2:25 on monday morning of april 15 never to be seen again till 1986 bye bob bollard thenfuture tv series were done on the wreak that lied on the ea bed but her sister brittanic was found berfore titanic in 1976 by the same mad who used sonar mashener but u have to have permisson of the private owner of the wreak and the greek goverment to dive down to her as u can dive to her in scober diving equipnment duo to fact she is really in shallow water but its a risky expeditation with metail aeverywere and it dusty and murkey as so shallow but u can see her a bit which she is a nicewreak

Attached file: jpg  BRITTANIC 2.jpg (11.13 KB)

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Posted on: 2006/8/3 14:54
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