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  Who will you vote for??

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Joined: 2004/6/23
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I dont know cause im not from that part of the globe but do you think that baby Bush is up to tricks trying to buy himself time? I used to love all things american but what hes done just sickens me. Didnt he only get in by unfair means anyway? The true president should be Al Gore.
Im not sure how it works over there but if Kerry gets it wont this led the way to Mrs Clinton? If so then I hope Kerry does it.
The Irish people just love you lot in america your the best.
Posted on: 2004/8/17 15:16
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  •  Squall

Joined: 2003/8/24
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I really despise Bush...especially after seeing Farenheit 9/11[/quote:fef26ea371]

Half of the stuff that was in that film was not even the truth. Many things that Michael Moore added to that film was just his own opinion and this was used as propaganda to 'brainwash' people and make them believe what he says.
Posted on: 2004/8/18 2:35
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  •  rose89

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im not allowed to vote yet.
"I am too involved now."
- Jack
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"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
~ ~
Posted on: 2004/8/18 5:47
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  •  Titanicluvr91

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If I were old enough to vote, I definitaly would vote for Kerry. I don't even trust Bush to run a city!!
Posted on: 2004/8/18 18:25
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Re: Who will you vote for??

Joined: 2004/2/20
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[quote:68aa055128="NosieRosie"]So, I'm just curious who registered voters in the US will vote for? Kerry, Bush, or Nader? (Did anyone besides me know Nader was running as independant?) Even non registered voters, who would you vote for if you could????[/quote:68aa055128]

NosieRosie, I think this is a personal question. It is almost like someone (who you don't know) asking you your home address or phone number or how much you make in a month or year.
Posted on: 2004/8/18 23:49
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Joined: 2004/6/23
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I dont think that there was any harm in the question. Know ones twisting your arm to answer are they? And as for how much people earn if people were more honest then these questions would never need asking in the first place one man one job one wage. Thats what i think any way
Posted on: 2004/8/19 9:43
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Joined: 2004/8/3
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I don't think it's quite that personal. There are polls taken nearly every month just before elections to project who might win, and this is no more than that. I'm just curious as to who the people in this forum are leaning toward.

Squall, I know he added things to reflect his own personal beliefs. I looked more at the factual things in there. Like, papers, videos, thing Bush was recorded is saying and doing. I think waiting 7 minutes before even budging from his seat is WAY to long once you've heard that "America is under attack"....and, it's about 6 minutes too long that I'm willing to give someone to make a move on the situation.

Collie, most people think that just what we american's vote is how president's come to be. Even people in America don't really understand the voting thing. Even though like, 80% of the people could vote for one person, the electoral votes pretty much override us. So, that's how Buch won. Gore won popular vote, but Buch won electoral he got it.
And, why do Irish love us?? I love the Irish! LOL...
(Ok collie, I'm going to ask you a question, and you really do not have to answer it if you don't feel comfortable doing so....I'm just curious. What did the Irish in general think when they heard of the terrorist attacks on New York in 2001??)
I'm not Kate Winslet OR Rose DeWitt Bukater.... please stop sending me fan mail!

My Website.. Titanic: Truth, Myths and Legends
Posted on: 2004/8/19 22:59
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Joined: 2004/6/23
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Hi nosie Rosie, First when that happened i wasnt living in Ireland i was living in a small Portuguese island Madeira. I seen it on cnn and i was shell shocked. I couldnt believe my eyes. I thought that this would led to world war three because usa is like our big brother i was even considering doing my bit. I thought that baby bust handled it very well. I only went off Bush when he invated Iraq. He told lies Sadam was never a threat he wanted the world to think he was more prowerful that he was.Bush was only trying to finish the war that daddy had started years before.
We the Irish people love big Bill after all didnt he help us keep peace in Ireland. He came a cross a being fair and caring thats what i thing anyway
Posted on: 2004/8/20 10:04
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  •  Rosie1912

Joined: 2004/4/4
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The ONLY reason Bush got it was due to the stupid ballots in Florida being so messed up and hard to read to many.
Posted on: 2004/8/20 11:05
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Joined: 2004/8/3
From Tallmadge, Ohio
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[quote:054133799a="colliewobbles"]Hi nosie Rosie, First when that happened i wasnt living in Ireland i was living in a small Portuguese island Madeira. I seen it on cnn and i was shell shocked. I couldnt believe my eyes. I thought that this would led to world war three because usa is like our big brother i was even considering doing my bit. I thought that baby bust handled it very well. I only went off Bush when he invated Iraq. He told lies Sadam was never a threat he wanted the world to think he was more prowerful that he was.Bush was only trying to finish the war that daddy had started years before.
We the Irish people love big Bill after all didnt he help us keep peace in Ireland. He came a cross a being fair and caring thats what i thing anyway[/quote:054133799a]

That's exactly how I feel....if Bush wanted to find these terrorists, I do not understand why he invaded Iraq?? I mean, I think we looked for Bin Laden for about a month before he invaded Iraq. And I don't even remember them saying he could have been hiding in Iraq. So, in essence, I saw no reason for us to be there. Then he started saying that Saddam and Iraq aided Bin Laden in attackin us and that he was hiding "weapon of mass destruction"...which, by the way, we haven't even found. I mean, don't get me wrong, I support our troops and I hate to see reports of deaths over there, I just do not support the reason we're over there. He lied to us saying they has weapons they'd use against us and they didn't. Now, if he really cared, he'd invade North Korea. They have told us they have weapons and they'd use them against us if they had too...I mean, cmon!
He's just not a good president. Since he took office we've started a war, had gas prices go above $2.00 a gallon, and lost millions of jobs! How could people even WANT to have him in office again?!?!
I'm not Kate Winslet OR Rose DeWitt Bukater.... please stop sending me fan mail!

My Website.. Titanic: Truth, Myths and Legends
Posted on: 2004/8/20 15:42
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