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  Raising the titanic

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  •  Rosie1912

Joined: 2004/4/4
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Back when the movie came out, it was mostly teenage girls going to see it for Leo. The Titanic craze from 1997-1998 has really calmed down and there are hardly any people who saw the movie, were into the craze and still are. There's a few handfuls of people who are into Titanic, historical wise and ofcourse the newbies who are just now seeing the film. They wouldn't make enough profit if they rebuilt the Titanic, not to mention the prices, hardly anyone could afford them!
Posted on: 2004/9/1 12:16
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  •  keepoot

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[quote:57df0e527a="titanicfreek"]See if they try to raise the whole ship then they would have to do it in sections because it would be really hard to raise her up in the sections that broke in half. But shes already been under water for almost 100 years. and she is slowly rusting away but if you raise it then it's like digging up 1,500 peoples graves who died there that night. They would bring up all the artifacts like shoes that are marking where someone's body was and how would you feel if you knew that your relative died there that night and they go down and bring up all the artifacts? I would be upset but thats me. I mean i realy would like to see the titanic for myself but im not to sure about rasing it though, im still a little iffy for either raising it or keeping it down there.[/quote:57df0e527a]this is the best (and only feesable) idea. BUT - not legally doable right now. thanks to a moron in St. Petersberg, FL, about an hour from where I live, a decendant (the moron) of someone on the titanic had a court order put on the titanic saying it is a grave site and NO ITEMS ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM THE SHIP. I assume this also pertains to the ship itself, though anything OUTSIDE the ship is still retrievable. So, our only option will be to watch the ship itself fall apart.
Why do I say moron? look at it this way: 1500 people were killed in an accedent at sea. IS THE SHIP A GRAVE? welllll, if your parents are killed on the highway in an accedent, do you leave them there? Is their grave the middle of I-75? ummmmm, no. I wish the local TV interviews with this lady were archived somewhere. you could easily tell she was an attention freak. I hope she's happy watching her relatives "grave' or mosoleum fall apart.
Posted on: 2004/9/2 4:04
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  •  Rosie1912

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Um, one lady who states her family was on the Titanic doesn't have the proper "say" be able to restrict a public grave site from being vistied, thing taken, etc. Not even with a court order, due to RMS Ti owns the Titanic's wreck site and RMS Ti is the only company AUTHORIZED to raise artifacts. So despite that lady's court order, RMS Ti still can raise artifacts (even from inside the ship) if they please and from my knowledge, they still are.

It is indeed a grave site, people died there and their remains are still there, so it is indeed a grave site.
Posted on: 2004/9/2 7:57
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  •  keepoot

Joined: 2003/8/29
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[quote:65c9ba811d="Rosie1912"]Um, one lady who states her family was on the Titanic doesn't have the proper "say" be able to restrict a public grave site from being vistied, thing taken, etc. Not even with a court order, due to RMS Ti owns the Titanic's wreck site and RMS Ti is the only company AUTHORIZED to raise artifacts. So despite that lady's court order, RMS Ti still can raise artifacts (even from inside the ship) if they please and from my knowledge, they still are.

It is indeed a grave site, people died there and their remains are still there, so it is indeed a grave site.[/quote:65c9ba811d]still raising artifacts from the debris field, not inside the ship. seems stupid, but she had it done. can't remember her name, but she's from st pete, took it to court here in tampa, where then it went to court in Norfolk VA.
And again, just because a body dies there does not make it a grave. A grave is ment to remember someone by. If my father died on that ship, I would not remember the ship or how he died, but the life he lived up until then. Even if you never retrieve a body ( some were retrieved and buried, the rest are LONG gone, even ballard said that when he visited in 86 ) but if one is not retrieved, people are buried without remains all the time, to give closure. It's just flesh, and even that isn't around forever. Titanic is less of a grave then the pyrimids, but we scavange those.

In some ways that teeny booper movie with leo hurt scientific expiditions. too many leo fans think they're scientists now. .... people: leo's body's not down there.
Posted on: 2004/9/2 9:27
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  •  keepoot

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looked around some local paaper sites for the lady's name to no avail, can anyone help me out on this? I did find this quote from ballard on this site:
In his congressional testimony, Mr Ballard stated: "Since many beautiful artefacts lie outside the ship itself, scattered over the rolling alpine-like countryside around it and are vulnerable to crude and damaging salvage attempts, I am proposing to both our government and the government of France that any future revisits to the Titanic which would involve the deep diving submersibles of our two countries, or any country for that matter, dedicate a portion of their diving time to carefully recording and recovering those delicate items [i:b11f3fecac]lying outside the hull [/i:b11f3fecac]of the ship itself.
Posted on: 2004/9/2 9:56
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  •  Rosie1912

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I used to live in Fla and never heard of the thing with the St. Pete lady. When was this?? Recently? Few years ago??

Each is intitled to their own opinion on if it's a grave site, if things should be salvaged, etc. I think because people died there, even though their remains are no longer there that it still is and should be considered a grave site. Those people are not buried in a cemetary, so that is their grave site.

I see what you mean by the Leo teeny boppers. Back when the film came out people flocked to trimmer J Dawson's grave thinking it was Leo's... One would think people would have a bit more common sense.

You can't really go on Ballards request to take things from the debris field only because in the latest documentory he was pissed that things had been taken period. The bell for example he was furious.. From the debris field OR the ship. He would scan accross things in the debris field "look at that, just how it landed you want to bring it up or look at it how it landed there and has stayed that way for this long".. He wants her left in peace (that won't happen ofcourse)... it is my opinion he's just mad he didn't "claim" her and make the money off retrieving the artifacts and so now he's lashing out by "don't take the artifacts, leave her in peace"... Yeah HE'S one to talk, he has the funds to go dive down there whenever he feels like it. I'm not too keen on Ballard, he seems to have a thick head and gives the "I'm better than you" attitude..
Posted on: 2004/9/2 12:37
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  •  keepoot

Joined: 2003/8/29
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[quote:3f6863a873="Rosie1912"]I used to live in Fla and never heard of the thing with the St. Pete lady. When was this?? Recently? Few years ago??

Each is intitled to their own opinion on if it's a grave site, if things should be salvaged, etc. I think because people died there, even though their remains are no longer there that it still is and should be considered a grave site. Those people are not buried in a cemetary, so that is their grave site.

I see what you mean by the Leo teeny boppers. Back when the film came out people flocked to trimmer J Dawson's grave thinking it was Leo's... One would think people would have a bit more common sense.

You can't really go on Ballards request to take things from the debris field only because in the latest documentory he was pissed that things had been taken period. The bell for example he was furious.. From the debris field OR the ship. He would scan accross things in the debris field "look at that, just how it landed you want to bring it up or look at it how it landed there and has stayed that way for this long".. He wants her left in peace (that won't happen ofcourse)... it is my opinion he's just mad he didn't "claim" her and make the money off retrieving the artifacts and so now he's lashing out by "don't take the artifacts, leave her in peace"... Yeah HE'S one to talk, he has the funds to go dive down there whenever he feels like it. I'm not too keen on Ballard, he seems to have a thick head and gives the "I'm better than you" attitude..[/quote:3f6863a873]it was about a year or two ago- RIGHT after they got the big piece (succesfully) Ballard rallied to her side, her relative was a great aunt or something. she actually went as far to request that ALL artifacts recovered in the past 18 years be returned to the ocean floor. I'm just glad I'm not related to her.
good points on the grave site stuff, but, if the titanic is a grave site, so are many current arceological digs, especally the ones that are NOT accedents, but ment to BE graves. (pyramids, ancient tombs, and such)
Posted on: 2004/9/2 22:16
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  •  rose89

Joined: 2004/8/9
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keepoot, i like your way of thinking. i am also for taking the titanic out, but its not possible. :(
"I am too involved now."
- Jack
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"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
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Posted on: 2004/9/3 4:11
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  •  keepoot

Joined: 2003/8/29
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[quote:55fd9dd9aa="rose89"]keepoot, i like your way of thinking. i am also for taking the titanic out, but its not possible. :([/quote:55fd9dd9aa]right, but in sectoins & pieces, (like the hull that has been saved) it is possible
Posted on: 2004/9/3 5:36
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Joined: 2004/8/3
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The hull was only saved after 2 attempts. And, I really do not believe the restof Titanic is as strong as a small section of the hull.
I'm not Kate Winslet OR Rose DeWitt Bukater.... please stop sending me fan mail!

My Website.. Titanic: Truth, Myths and Legends
Posted on: 2004/9/3 14:55
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