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Titanic preservation : The RMS Titanic is disintegrating rapidly
Posted by webmaster on 2003/9/30 19:32:00 (8088 reads)

The Titanic is, for a while already disintegrating at a rate faster than that scientists had expected.

Parts of the mast, boat deck, officer cabins have all collapsed in the last couple of years.

The USA and other North Atlantic governments are looking in to ways to preserve the wreck.

One contribution factor of this fast disintegrating going on is due to the heavy fishing in the nearby sea area. This reduces marine biology life that normally would eat up the tiny organic compounds that aflout around the wreck so that this reduction in marine biology causes more of this tiny organics that in effect makes the disintegration going on faster.

Torado worms also eat up the teak decking. Now adays, only the glue that is holding it together is left over.

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